BANK OF INDIA Large & Mid Cap Equity Fund Regular Plan- Growth

(Erstwhile BOI AXA Equity Fund Regular Plan- Growth)

Category: Equity: Large and Mid Cap
Launch Date: 21-10-2008
Asset Class: Equity
Benchmark: BSE 250 Large MidCap TRI
Expense Ratio: 2.49% As on (30-12-2024)
Status: Open Ended Schemes
Minimum Investment: 5000.0
Minimum Topup: 1000.0
Total Assets: 367.03 Cr As on (31-12-2024)
Turn over: 142%
NAV as on 14-01-2025


1.41 (1.7099%)

CAGR Since Inception


BSE 250 Large MidCap TRI 16.13%

PERFORMANCE of BANK OF INDIA Large & Mid Cap Equity Fund Regular Plan- Growth

Scheme Performance (%)

Data as on - 14-01-2025

Yearly Performance (%)

Fund Managers

Nitin Gosar

Investment Objective

The scheme aims at income and long-term capital appreciation through a diversified portfolio of predominantly equity and equity-related securities including equity derivatives, across all market capitalizations. The Scheme is in the nature of diversified mutli-cap fund.

NAV & Lumpsum details( Invested amount 1,00,000)

Show All Monthly Lumpsum Returns
NAV Date NAV Units Market
21-10-2008 10.0 10000.0 100000 0.0 %
21-11-2008 9.67 - 96700 -3.3 %
22-12-2008 10.59 - 105900 5.9 %
21-01-2009 9.24 - 92400 -7.6 %
24-02-2009 8.98 - 89800 -10.2 %
23-03-2009 9.6 - 96000 -4.0 %
21-04-2009 11.13 - 111300 11.3 %
21-05-2009 14.18 - 141800 41.8 %
22-06-2009 14.2 - 142000 42.0 %
21-07-2009 14.84 - 148400 48.4 %
21-08-2009 14.79 - 147900 47.9 %
22-09-2009 16.41 - 164100 64.1 %
21-10-2009 17.25 - 172500 72.5 %
23-11-2009 17.62 - 176200 76.2 %
21-12-2009 17.42 - 174200 74.2 %
21-01-2010 18.06 - 180600 80.6 %
22-02-2010 16.65 - 166500 66.5 %
22-03-2010 17.54 - 175400 75.4 %
21-04-2010 18.33 - 183300 83.3 %
21-05-2010 16.62 - 166200 66.2 %
21-06-2010 17.38 - 173800 73.8 %
21-07-2010 17.64 - 176400 76.4 %
23-08-2010 18.64 - 186400 86.4 %
21-09-2010 19.17 - 191700 91.7 %
21-10-2010 19.26 - 192600 92.6 %
22-11-2010 18.96 - 189600 89.6 %
21-12-2010 18.58 - 185800 85.8 %
21-01-2011 17.57 - 175700 75.7 %
21-02-2011 16.8 - 168000 68.0 %
21-03-2011 16.34 - 163400 63.4 %
21-04-2011 17.89 - 178900 78.9 %
23-05-2011 16.74 - 167400 67.4 %
21-06-2011 16.53 - 165300 65.3 %
21-07-2011 17.24 - 172400 72.4 %
22-08-2011 15.57 - 155700 55.7 %
21-09-2011 16.23 - 162300 62.3 %
21-10-2011 15.97 - 159700 59.7 %
21-11-2011 15.14 - 151400 51.4 %
21-12-2011 14.81 - 148100 48.1 %
23-01-2012 15.59 - 155900 55.9 %
21-02-2012 17.3 - 173000 73.0 %
21-03-2012 16.61 - 166100 66.1 %
23-04-2012 16.28 - 162800 62.8 %
21-05-2012 15.3 - 153000 53.0 %
21-06-2012 16.09 - 160900 60.9 %
23-07-2012 16.17 - 161700 61.7 %
21-08-2012 17.02 - 170200 70.2 %
21-09-2012 17.76 - 177600 77.6 %
22-10-2012 17.93 - 179300 79.3 %
21-11-2012 17.61 - 176100 76.1 %
21-12-2012 18.12 - 181200 81.2 %
21-01-2013 18.49 - 184900 84.9 %
21-02-2013 17.8 - 178000 78.0 %
21-03-2013 17.13 - 171300 71.3 %
22-04-2013 17.6 - 176000 76.0 %
21-05-2013 18.29 - 182900 82.9 %
21-06-2013 17.2 - 172000 72.0 %
22-07-2013 18.12 - 181200 81.2 %
21-08-2013 16.23 - 162300 62.3 %
23-09-2013 17.85 - 178500 78.5 %
21-10-2013 19.04 - 190400 90.4 %
21-11-2013 18.67 - 186700 86.7 %
23-12-2013 19.47 - 194700 94.7 %
21-01-2014 19.51 - 195100 95.1 %
21-02-2014 19.24 - 192400 92.4 %
21-03-2014 20.06 - 200600 100.6 %
21-04-2014 21.1 - 211000 111.0 %
21-05-2014 22.55 - 225500 125.5 %
23-06-2014 23.85 - 238500 138.5 %
21-07-2014 24.68 - 246800 146.8 %
21-08-2014 25.51 - 255100 155.1 %
22-09-2014 26.75 - 267500 167.5 %
21-10-2014 26.03 - 260300 160.3 %
21-11-2014 27.94 - 279400 179.4 %
22-12-2014 27.46 - 274600 174.6 %
21-01-2015 28.81 - 288100 188.1 %
23-02-2015 28.85 - 288500 188.5 %
23-03-2015 28.29 - 282900 182.9 %
21-04-2015 28.02 - 280200 180.2 %
21-05-2015 27.61 - 276100 176.1 %
22-06-2015 27.29 - 272900 172.9 %
21-07-2015 27.98 - 279800 179.8 %
21-08-2015 27.96 - 279600 179.6 %
21-09-2015 26.86 - 268600 168.6 %
21-10-2015 27.62 - 276200 176.2 %
23-11-2015 26.56 - 265600 165.6 %
21-12-2015 26.43 - 264300 164.3 %
21-01-2016 24.53 - 245300 145.3 %
22-02-2016 24.11 - 241100 141.1 %
21-03-2016 25.41 - 254100 154.1 %
21-04-2016 26.43 - 264300 164.3 %
23-05-2016 26.22 - 262200 162.2 %
21-06-2016 27.22 - 272200 172.2 %
21-07-2016 28.17 - 281700 181.7 %
22-08-2016 28.98 - 289800 189.8 %
21-09-2016 29.45 - 294500 194.5 %
21-10-2016 30.24 - 302400 202.4 %
21-11-2016 26.9 - 269000 169.0 %
21-12-2016 27.02 - 270200 170.2 %
23-01-2017 28.48 - 284800 184.8 %
21-02-2017 30.02 - 300200 200.2 %
21-03-2017 30.2 - 302000 202.0 %
21-04-2017 31.02 - 310200 210.2 %
22-05-2017 31.45 - 314500 214.5 %
21-06-2017 32.95 - 329500 229.5 %
21-07-2017 33.97 - 339700 239.7 %
21-08-2017 33.43 - 334300 234.3 %
21-09-2017 35.73 - 357300 257.3 %
23-10-2017 36.11 - 361100 261.1 %
21-11-2017 36.53 - 365300 265.3 %
21-12-2017 38.11 - 381100 281.1 %
22-01-2018 39.86 - 398600 298.6 %
21-02-2018 36.23 - 362300 262.3 %
21-03-2018 36.18 - 361800 261.8 %
23-04-2018 38.35 - 383500 283.5 %
21-05-2018 37.24 - 372400 272.4 %
21-06-2018 36.34 - 363400 263.4 %
23-07-2018 36.58 - 365800 265.8 %
21-08-2018 38.53 - 385300 285.3 %
21-09-2018 34.65 - 346500 246.5 %
22-10-2018 30.56 - 305600 205.6 %
21-11-2018 32.44 - 324400 224.4 %
21-12-2018 32.61 - 326100 226.1 %
21-01-2019 32.12 - 321200 221.2 %
21-02-2019 30.81 - 308100 208.1 %
22-03-2019 32.9 - 329000 229.0 %
22-04-2019 33.39 - 333900 233.9 %
21-05-2019 33.35 - 333500 233.5 %
21-06-2019 33.63 - 336300 236.3 %
22-07-2019 32.05 - 320500 220.5 %
21-08-2019 31.59 - 315900 215.9 %
23-09-2019 34.38 - 343800 243.8 %
22-10-2019 34.39 - 343900 243.9 %
21-11-2019 35.14 - 351400 251.4 %
23-12-2019 35.67 - 356700 256.7 %
21-01-2020 36.24 - 362400 262.4 %
24-02-2020 37.12 - 371200 271.2 %
23-03-2020 24.4 - 244000 144.0 %
21-04-2020 29.2 - 292000 192.0 %
21-05-2020 28.72 - 287200 187.2 %
22-06-2020 31.31 - 313100 213.1 %
21-07-2020 33.21 - 332100 232.1 %
21-08-2020 34.8 - 348000 248.0 %
21-09-2020 34.65 - 346500 246.5 %
21-10-2020 35.98 - 359800 259.8 %
23-11-2020 39.32 - 393200 293.2 %
21-12-2020 40.15 - 401500 301.5 %
21-01-2021 43.02 - 430200 330.2 %
22-02-2021 43.14 - 431400 331.4 %
22-03-2021 43.42 - 434200 334.2 %
22-04-2021 43.48 - 434800 334.8 %
21-05-2021 46.81 - 468100 368.1 %
21-06-2021 49.74 - 497400 397.4 %
22-07-2021 52.21 - 522100 422.1 %
23-08-2021 51.99 - 519900 419.9 %
21-09-2021 55.27 - 552700 452.7 %
21-10-2021 57.09 - 570900 470.9 %
22-11-2021 55.42 - 554200 454.2 %
21-12-2021 53.6 - 536000 436.0 %
21-01-2022 56.36 - 563600 463.6 %
21-02-2022 53.3 - 533000 433.0 %
21-03-2022 53.1 - 531000 431.0 %
21-04-2022 54.1 - 541000 441.0 %
23-05-2022 49.04 - 490400 390.4 %
21-06-2022 47.72 - 477200 377.2 %
21-07-2022 52.35 - 523500 423.5 %
22-08-2022 54.41 - 544100 444.1 %
21-09-2022 57.08 - 570800 470.8 %
21-10-2022 55.47 - 554700 454.7 %
21-11-2022 56.87 - 568700 468.7 %
21-12-2022 57.18 - 571800 471.8 %
23-01-2023 56.87 - 568700 468.7 %
21-02-2023 55.92 - 559200 459.2 %
21-03-2023 53.94 - 539400 439.4 %
21-04-2023 55.57 - 555700 455.7 %
22-05-2023 57.29 - 572900 472.9 %
21-06-2023 60.41 - 604100 504.1 %
21-07-2023 62.16 - 621600 521.6 %
21-08-2023 62.86 - 628600 528.6 %
21-09-2023 64.41 - 644100 544.1 %
23-10-2023 62.91 - 629100 529.1 %
21-11-2023 67.31 - 673100 573.1 %
21-12-2023 71.91 - 719100 619.1 %
23-01-2024 73.01 - 730100 630.1 %
21-02-2024 78.01 - 780100 680.1 %
21-03-2024 76.47 - 764700 664.7 %
22-04-2024 79.63 - 796300 696.3 %
21-05-2024 82.71 - 827100 727.1 %
21-06-2024 87.37 - 873700 773.7 %
22-07-2024 89.83 - 898300 798.3 %
21-08-2024 92.58 - 925800 825.8 %
23-09-2024 93.25 - 932500 832.5 %
21-10-2024 89.33 - 893300 793.3 %
21-11-2024 84.56 - 845600 745.6 %
23-12-2024 87.07 - 870700 770.7 %
14-01-2025 82.46 - 824600 724.6 %

RETURNS CALCULATOR for BANK OF INDIA Large & Mid Cap Equity Fund Regular Plan- Growth

Growth of 10000 In SIP (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Period :
Start :
End :

Growth of 10000 In LUMPSUM (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Start :

Rolling Returns

Rolling returns are the annualized returns of the scheme taken for a specified period (rolling returns period) on every day/week/month and taken till the last day of the duration. In this chart we are showing the annualized returns over the rolling returns period on every day from the start date and comparing it with the benchmark. Rolling returns is the best measure of a fund's performance. Trailing returns have a recency bias and point to point returns are specific to the period in consideration. Rolling returns, on the other hand, measures the fund's absolute and relative performance across all timescales, without bias.



Key Performance and Risk Statistics of BANK OF INDIA Large & Mid Cap Equity Fund Regular Plan- Growth

Key Statistics Volatility Sharpe Ratio Alpha Beta Yield to Maturity Average Maturity
BANK OF INDIA Large & Mid Cap Equity Fund Regular Plan- Growth 13.02 0.62 -1.62 0.96 - -
Equity: Large and Mid Cap - - - - - -

PEER COMPARISION of BANK OF INDIA Large & Mid Cap Equity Fund Regular Plan- Growth

Amount :
Start :
End :
Data as on - 14-01-2025
Scheme Name Launch
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
BANK OF INDIA Large & Mid Cap Equity Fund Regular Plan- Growth 21-10-2008 9.62 20.41 12.29 17.96 11.57
Motilal Oswal Large and Midcap Fund - Regular Plan Growth 01-10-2019 28.18 36.27 21.52 23.79 0.0
Invesco India Large & Mid Cap Fund - Growth 09-08-2007 24.32 30.23 17.33 19.42 15.08
HSBC Large & Mid Cap Fund - Regular Growth 03-03-2019 23.28 28.53 14.75 19.14 0.0
UTI Large & Mid Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option 01-08-2005 19.51 27.52 17.54 21.35 13.44
LIC MF Large & Mid Cap Fund-Regular Plan-Growth 05-02-2015 19.4 25.27 12.9 17.66 0.0
Baroda BNP Paribas Large and Mid Cap Fund-Regular Plan-Growth Option 04-09-2020 17.98 25.88 14.29 0.0 0.0
BANDHAN Core Equity Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 09-08-2005 17.8 28.73 18.97 21.29 15.15
Canara Robeco Emerging Equities - Regular Plan - Growth Option 05-03-2005 17.77 22.03 11.73 19.28 15.49
DSP Equity Opportunities Fund-Regular Plan - Growth 16-05-2000 17.46 25.03 16.21 19.23 15.03

PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS of BANK OF INDIA Large & Mid Cap Equity Fund Regular Plan- Growth

Asset Allocation (%)

Allocation Percentage (%)

Market Cap Distribution

Small Cap




Large Cap


Mid Cap


