Kotak India EQ Contra Fund - Growth

(Erstwhile Kotak Classic Equity Scheme - Growth)

Category: Equity: Contra
Launch Date: 27-07-2005
Asset Class: Equity
Benchmark: NIFTY 500 TRI
Expense Ratio: 1.87% As on (30-12-2024)
Status: Open Ended Schemes
Minimum Investment: 100.0
Minimum Topup: 100.0
Total Assets: 3,985.56 Cr As on (31-12-2024)
Turn over: 41.77%
NAV as on 14-01-2025


1.38 (0.9916%)

CAGR Since Inception


NIFTY 500 TRI 12.44%

PERFORMANCE of Kotak India EQ Contra Fund - Growth

Scheme Performance (%)

Data as on - 14-01-2025

Yearly Performance (%)

Fund Managers

Shibani Sircar Kurian

Investment Objective

The scheme aims to generate capital appreciation from a diversified portfolio of equity and equity related instruments. It will invest in stocks of companies, which are fundamentally sound but are undervalued.

NAV & Lumpsum details( Invested amount 1,00,000)

Show All Monthly Lumpsum Returns
NAV Date NAV Units Market
27-07-2005 10.0 10000.0 100000 0.0 %
29-08-2005 10.6 - 106000 6.0 %
27-09-2005 10.922 - 109220 9.22 %
27-10-2005 9.931 - 99310 -0.69 %
28-11-2005 10.892 - 108920 8.92 %
27-12-2005 11.398 - 113980 13.98 %
27-01-2006 12.403 - 124030 24.03 %
27-02-2006 12.461 - 124610 24.61 %
27-03-2006 13.586 - 135860 35.86 %
27-04-2006 14.839 - 148390 48.39 %
29-05-2006 13.742 - 137420 37.42 %
27-06-2006 11.354 - 113540 13.54 %
27-07-2006 11.35 - 113500 13.5 %
28-08-2006 12.601 - 126010 26.01 %
27-09-2006 12.951 - 129510 29.51 %
27-10-2006 13.564 - 135640 35.64 %
27-11-2006 13.824 - 138240 38.24 %
27-12-2006 14.51 - 145100 45.1 %
29-01-2007 15.176 - 151760 51.76 %
27-02-2007 14.402 - 144020 44.02 %
28-03-2007 13.548 - 135480 35.48 %
27-04-2007 14.679 - 146790 46.79 %
28-05-2007 15.357 - 153570 53.57 %
27-06-2007 15.629 - 156290 56.29 %
27-07-2007 16.036 - 160360 60.36 %
27-08-2007 15.704 - 157040 57.04 %
27-09-2007 17.211 - 172110 72.11 %
29-10-2007 18.937 - 189370 89.37 %
27-11-2007 19.471 - 194710 94.71 %
27-12-2007 21.741 - 217410 117.41 %
28-01-2008 19.426 - 194260 94.26 %
27-02-2008 18.507 - 185070 85.07 %
27-03-2008 15.508 - 155080 55.08 %
28-04-2008 17.276 - 172760 72.76 %
27-05-2008 16.466 - 164660 64.66 %
27-06-2008 14.05 - 140500 40.5 %
28-07-2008 14.834 - 148340 48.34 %
27-08-2008 14.964 - 149640 49.64 %
29-09-2008 13.259 - 132590 32.59 %
27-10-2008 9.875 - 98750 -1.25 %
28-11-2008 10.517 - 105170 5.17 %
29-12-2008 10.908 - 109080 9.08 %
27-01-2009 10.347 - 103470 3.47 %
27-02-2009 10.368 - 103680 3.68 %
27-03-2009 10.984 - 109840 9.84 %
27-04-2009 12.332 - 123320 23.32 %
27-05-2009 15.095 - 150950 50.95 %
29-06-2009 15.712 - 157120 57.12 %
27-07-2009 16.444 - 164440 64.44 %
27-08-2009 17.226 - 172260 72.26 %
29-09-2009 18.277 - 182770 82.77 %
27-10-2009 18.09 - 180900 80.9 %
27-11-2009 18.835 - 188350 88.35 %
29-12-2009 19.83 - 198300 98.3 %
27-01-2010 19.002 - 190020 90.02 %
02-03-2010 19.264 - 192640 92.64 %
29-03-2010 20.257 - 202570 102.57 %
27-04-2010 20.746 - 207460 107.46 %
27-05-2010 19.642 - 196420 96.42 %
28-06-2010 21.027 - 210270 110.27 %
27-07-2010 21.822 - 218220 118.22 %
27-08-2010 22.289 - 222890 122.89 %
27-09-2010 23.807 - 238070 138.07 %
27-10-2010 23.789 - 237890 137.89 %
29-11-2010 22.531 - 225310 125.31 %
27-12-2010 22.494 - 224940 124.94 %
27-01-2011 20.882 - 208820 108.82 %
28-02-2011 19.379 - 193790 93.79 %
28-03-2011 20.477 - 204770 104.77 %
27-04-2011 21.059 - 210590 110.59 %
27-05-2011 19.985 - 199850 99.85 %
27-06-2011 20.133 - 201330 101.33 %
27-07-2011 20.235 - 202350 102.35 %
29-08-2011 18.256 - 182560 82.56 %
27-09-2011 18.436 - 184360 84.36 %
28-10-2011 19.626 - 196260 96.26 %
28-11-2011 18.234 - 182340 82.34 %
27-12-2011 17.848 - 178480 78.48 %
27-01-2012 19.47 - 194700 94.7 %
27-02-2012 20.285 - 202850 102.85 %
27-03-2012 20.511 - 205110 105.11 %
27-04-2012 20.276 - 202760 102.76 %
28-05-2012 19.746 - 197460 97.46 %
27-06-2012 20.155 - 201550 101.55 %
27-07-2012 19.828 - 198280 98.28 %
27-08-2012 20.72 - 207200 107.2 %
27-09-2012 22.313 - 223130 123.13 %
29-10-2012 22.251 - 222510 122.51 %
27-11-2012 22.502 - 225020 125.02 %
27-12-2012 23.079 - 230790 130.79 %
28-01-2013 23.828 - 238280 138.28 %
27-02-2013 23.24 - 232400 132.4 %
28-03-2013 22.918 - 229180 129.18 %
29-04-2013 23.522 - 235220 135.22 %
27-05-2013 23.793 - 237930 137.93 %
27-06-2013 22.233 - 222330 122.33 %
29-07-2013 22.639 - 226390 126.39 %
27-08-2013 21.465 - 214650 114.65 %
27-09-2013 23.065 - 230650 130.65 %
28-10-2013 23.853 - 238530 138.53 %
27-11-2013 23.869 - 238690 138.69 %
27-12-2013 25.127 - 251270 151.27 %
27-01-2014 24.751 - 247510 147.51 %
28-02-2014 25.294 - 252940 152.94 %
27-03-2014 26.408 - 264080 164.08 %
28-04-2014 27.238 - 272380 172.38 %
27-05-2014 29.621 - 296210 196.21 %
27-06-2014 30.758 - 307580 207.58 %
28-07-2014 30.935 - 309350 209.35 %
27-08-2014 31.82 - 318200 218.2 %
29-09-2014 32.098 - 320980 220.98 %
27-10-2014 32.787 - 327870 227.87 %
27-11-2014 35.137 - 351370 251.37 %
29-12-2014 34.578 - 345780 245.78 %
27-01-2015 37.124 - 371240 271.24 %
27-02-2015 37.106 - 371060 271.06 %
27-03-2015 35.476 - 354760 254.76 %
27-04-2015 34.901 - 349010 249.01 %
27-05-2015 35.513 - 355130 255.13 %
29-06-2015 35.348 - 353480 253.48 %
27-07-2015 35.955 - 359550 259.55 %
27-08-2015 34.102 - 341020 241.02 %
28-09-2015 33.627 - 336270 236.27 %
27-10-2015 35.164 - 351640 251.64 %
27-11-2015 33.533 - 335330 235.33 %
28-12-2015 33.611 - 336110 236.11 %
27-01-2016 31.569 - 315690 215.69 %
29-02-2016 29.889 - 298890 198.89 %
28-03-2016 32.265 - 322650 222.65 %
27-04-2016 33.749 - 337490 237.49 %
27-05-2016 34.616 - 346160 246.16 %
27-06-2016 34.529 - 345290 245.29 %
27-07-2016 37.064 - 370640 270.64 %
29-08-2016 37.417 - 374170 274.17 %
27-09-2016 38.246 - 382460 282.46 %
27-10-2016 38.045 - 380450 280.45 %
28-11-2016 36.074 - 360740 260.74 %
27-12-2016 35.273 - 352730 252.73 %
27-01-2017 38.33 - 383300 283.3 %
27-02-2017 39.375 - 393750 293.75 %
27-03-2017 40.084 - 400840 300.84 %
27-04-2017 41.591 - 415910 315.91 %
29-05-2017 42.209 - 422090 322.09 %
27-06-2017 41.699 - 416990 316.99 %
27-07-2017 44.545 - 445450 345.45 %
28-08-2017 45.383 - 453830 353.83 %
27-09-2017 44.443 - 444430 344.43 %
27-10-2017 47.203 - 472030 372.03 %
27-11-2017 47.684 - 476840 376.84 %
27-12-2017 48.735 - 487350 387.35 %
29-01-2018 49.897 - 498970 398.97 %
27-02-2018 48.252 - 482520 382.52 %
27-03-2018 47.428 - 474280 374.28 %
27-04-2018 50.162 - 501620 401.62 %
28-05-2018 49.902 - 499020 399.02 %
27-06-2018 49.792 - 497920 397.92 %
27-07-2018 51.869 - 518690 418.69 %
27-08-2018 54.058 - 540580 440.58 %
27-09-2018 50.489 - 504890 404.89 %
29-10-2018 46.904 - 469040 369.04 %
27-11-2018 49.041 - 490410 390.41 %
27-12-2018 49.544 - 495440 395.44 %
28-01-2019 48.56 - 485600 385.6 %
27-02-2019 49.447 - 494470 394.47 %
27-03-2019 51.982 - 519820 419.82 %
30-04-2019 53.203 - 532030 432.03 %
27-05-2019 53.823 - 538230 438.23 %
27-06-2019 53.386 - 533860 433.86 %
29-07-2019 50.639 - 506390 406.39 %
27-08-2019 50.862 - 508620 408.62 %
27-09-2019 52.962 - 529620 429.62 %
29-10-2019 53.97 - 539700 439.7 %
27-11-2019 54.83 - 548300 448.3 %
27-12-2019 55.242 - 552420 452.42 %
27-01-2020 56.71 - 567100 467.1 %
27-02-2020 54.622 - 546220 446.22 %
27-03-2020 39.382 - 393820 293.82 %
27-04-2020 42.968 - 429680 329.68 %
27-05-2020 42.673 - 426730 326.73 %
29-06-2020 47.307 - 473070 373.07 %
27-07-2020 50.808 - 508080 408.08 %
27-08-2020 52.989 - 529890 429.89 %
28-09-2020 52.159 - 521590 421.59 %
27-10-2020 54.308 - 543080 443.08 %
27-11-2020 59.327 - 593270 493.27 %
28-12-2020 62.997 - 629970 529.97 %
27-01-2021 64.087 - 640870 540.87 %
01-03-2021 70.204 - 702040 602.04 %
30-03-2021 70.08 - 700800 600.8 %
27-04-2021 69.271 - 692710 592.71 %
27-05-2021 72.81 - 728100 628.1 %
28-06-2021 76.076 - 760760 660.76 %
27-07-2021 76.93 - 769300 669.3 %
27-08-2021 79.279 - 792790 692.79 %
27-09-2021 83.9 - 839000 739.0 %
27-10-2021 85.935 - 859350 759.35 %
29-11-2021 80.198 - 801980 701.98 %
27-12-2021 81.013 - 810130 710.13 %
27-01-2022 82.048 - 820480 720.48 %
28-02-2022 79.694 - 796940 696.94 %
28-03-2022 81.257 - 812570 712.57 %
27-04-2022 81.66 - 816600 716.6 %
27-05-2022 77.386 - 773860 673.86 %
27-06-2022 75.233 - 752330 652.33 %
27-07-2022 80.456 - 804560 704.56 %
29-08-2022 83.369 - 833690 733.69 %
27-09-2022 82.316 - 823160 723.16 %
27-10-2022 86.366 - 863660 763.66 %
28-11-2022 89.556 - 895560 795.56 %
27-12-2022 88.504 - 885040 785.04 %
27-01-2023 86.606 - 866060 766.06 %
27-02-2023 86.226 - 862260 762.26 %
27-03-2023 84.395 - 843950 743.95 %
27-04-2023 88.249 - 882490 782.49 %
29-05-2023 91.937 - 919370 819.37 %
27-06-2023 94.676 - 946760 846.76 %
27-07-2023 99.422 - 994220 894.22 %
28-08-2023 99.797 - 997970 897.97 %
27-09-2023 102.812 - 1028120 928.12 %
27-10-2023 100.564 - 1005640 905.64 %
28-11-2023 107.641 - 1076410 976.41 %
27-12-2023 118.42 - 1184200 1084.2 %
29-01-2024 123.388 - 1233880 1133.88 %
27-02-2024 127.9 - 1279000 1179.0 %
27-03-2024 126.698 - 1266980 1166.98 %
29-04-2024 133.515 - 1335150 1235.15 %
27-05-2024 138.632 - 1386320 1286.32 %
27-06-2024 146.537 - 1465370 1365.37 %
29-07-2024 152.095 - 1520950 1420.95 %
27-08-2024 153.493 - 1534930 1434.93 %
27-09-2024 158.652 - 1586520 1486.52 %
28-10-2024 147.773 - 1477730 1377.73 %
27-11-2024 149.036 - 1490360 1390.36 %
27-12-2024 146.541 - 1465410 1365.41 %
14-01-2025 139.173 - 1391730 1291.73 %

RETURNS CALCULATOR for Kotak India EQ Contra Fund - Growth

Growth of 10000 In SIP (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Period :
Start :
End :

Growth of 10000 In LUMPSUM (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Start :

Rolling Returns

Rolling returns are the annualized returns of the scheme taken for a specified period (rolling returns period) on every day/week/month and taken till the last day of the duration. In this chart we are showing the annualized returns over the rolling returns period on every day from the start date and comparing it with the benchmark. Rolling returns is the best measure of a fund's performance. Trailing returns have a recency bias and point to point returns are specific to the period in consideration. Rolling returns, on the other hand, measures the fund's absolute and relative performance across all timescales, without bias.



Key Performance and Risk Statistics of Kotak India EQ Contra Fund - Growth

Key Statistics Volatility Sharpe Ratio Alpha Beta Yield to Maturity Average Maturity
Kotak India EQ Contra Fund - Growth 12.72 0.98 5.3 0.96 - -
Equity: Contra - - - - - -

PEER COMPARISION of Kotak India EQ Contra Fund - Growth

Amount :
Start :
End :
Data as on - 14-01-2025
Scheme Name Launch
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Kotak India EQ Contra Fund - Growth 27-07-2005 13.91 25.12 17.06 19.85 14.86
Invesco India Contra Fund - Growth 11-04-2007 20.79 26.47 16.59 20.43 15.63
SBI Contra Fund - Regular Plan -Growth 14-07-1999 11.52 25.47 19.36 27.71 15.29

PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS of Kotak India EQ Contra Fund - Growth

Asset Allocation (%)

Allocation Percentage (%)

Market Cap Distribution

Small Cap




Large Cap


Mid Cap


