Union ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Growth Option

(Erstwhile Union Tax Saver Scheme - Growth Option)

Category: Equity: ELSS
Launch Date: 23-12-2011
Asset Class: Equity
Benchmark: BSE 500 TRI
Expense Ratio: 2.26% As on (30-12-2024)
Status: Open Ended Schemes
Minimum Investment: 500.0
Minimum Topup: 500.0
Total Assets: 923.05 Cr As on (31-12-2024)
Turn over: 142%
NAV as on 14-01-2025


0.65 (1.081%)

CAGR Since Inception


BSE 500 TRI 12.44%

PERFORMANCE of Union ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Growth Option

Scheme Performance (%)

Data as on - 14-01-2025

Yearly Performance (%)

Fund Managers

Hardick Bora, Sanjay Bembalkar

Investment Objective

The scheme seeks to achieve long-term capital appreciation by investing substantially in a portfolio consisting of equity and equity related securities.

NAV & Lumpsum details( Invested amount 1,00,000)

Show All Monthly Lumpsum Returns
NAV Date NAV Units Market
23-12-2011 10.0 10000.0 100000 0.0 %
23-01-2012 10.39 - 103900 3.9 %
23-02-2012 11.28 - 112800 12.8 %
23-03-2012 11.17 - 111700 11.7 %
23-04-2012 11.16 - 111600 11.6 %
23-05-2012 10.51 - 105100 5.1 %
25-06-2012 10.95 - 109500 9.5 %
23-07-2012 11.01 - 110100 10.1 %
23-08-2012 11.56 - 115600 15.6 %
24-09-2012 12.07 - 120700 20.7 %
23-10-2012 12.28 - 122800 22.8 %
23-11-2012 12.38 - 123800 23.8 %
24-12-2012 12.95 - 129500 29.5 %
23-01-2013 13.31 - 133100 33.1 %
25-02-2013 12.89 - 128900 28.9 %
25-03-2013 12.59 - 125900 25.9 %
23-04-2013 13.02 - 130200 30.2 %
23-05-2013 13.29 - 132900 32.9 %
24-06-2013 12.58 - 125800 25.8 %
23-07-2013 13.59 - 135900 35.9 %
23-08-2013 12.19 - 121900 21.9 %
23-09-2013 12.89 - 128900 28.9 %
23-10-2013 13.57 - 135700 35.7 %
25-11-2013 13.61 - 136100 36.1 %
23-12-2013 13.99 - 139900 39.9 %
23-01-2014 14.17 - 141700 41.7 %
24-02-2014 14.01 - 140100 40.1 %
24-03-2014 14.7 - 147000 47.0 %
23-04-2014 15.36 - 153600 53.6 %
23-05-2014 16.94 - 169400 69.4 %
23-06-2014 17.36 - 173600 73.6 %
23-07-2014 18.11 - 181100 81.1 %
25-08-2014 18.25 - 182500 82.5 %
23-09-2014 18.59 - 185900 85.9 %
27-10-2014 18.85 - 188500 88.5 %
24-11-2014 20.4 - 204000 104.0 %
23-12-2014 19.93 - 199300 99.3 %
23-01-2015 21.58 - 215800 115.8 %
23-02-2015 21.48 - 214800 114.8 %
23-03-2015 21.01 - 210100 110.1 %
23-04-2015 20.87 - 208700 108.7 %
25-05-2015 20.64 - 206400 106.4 %
23-06-2015 20.8 - 208000 108.0 %
23-07-2015 21.19 - 211900 111.9 %
24-08-2015 19.46 - 194600 94.6 %
23-09-2015 19.76 - 197600 97.6 %
23-10-2015 20.13 - 201300 101.3 %
23-11-2015 19.27 - 192700 92.7 %
23-12-2015 19.52 - 195200 95.2 %
25-01-2016 18.21 - 182100 82.1 %
23-02-2016 17.11 - 171100 71.1 %
23-03-2016 18.35 - 183500 83.5 %
25-04-2016 18.81 - 188100 88.1 %
23-05-2016 18.62 - 186200 86.2 %
23-06-2016 19.29 - 192900 92.9 %
25-07-2016 20.42 - 204200 104.2 %
23-08-2016 20.43 - 204300 104.3 %
23-09-2016 21.14 - 211400 111.4 %
24-10-2016 21.03 - 210300 110.3 %
23-11-2016 19.09 - 190900 90.9 %
23-12-2016 19.07 - 190700 90.7 %
23-01-2017 19.93 - 199300 99.3 %
23-02-2017 20.66 - 206600 106.6 %
23-03-2017 21.07 - 210700 110.7 %
24-04-2017 21.87 - 218700 118.7 %
23-05-2017 21.61 - 216100 116.1 %
23-06-2017 22.11 - 221100 121.1 %
24-07-2017 22.74 - 227400 127.4 %
23-08-2017 22.16 - 221600 121.6 %
25-09-2017 22.44 - 224400 124.4 %
23-10-2017 23.18 - 231800 131.8 %
23-11-2017 23.54 - 235400 135.4 %
26-12-2017 24.56 - 245600 145.6 %
23-01-2018 25.34 - 253400 153.4 %
23-02-2018 23.76 - 237600 137.6 %
23-03-2018 22.67 - 226700 126.7 %
23-04-2018 24.02 - 240200 140.2 %
23-05-2018 23.19 - 231900 131.9 %
25-06-2018 23.31 - 233100 133.1 %
23-07-2018 24.0 - 240000 140.0 %
23-08-2018 24.97 - 249700 149.7 %
24-09-2018 23.46 - 234600 134.6 %
23-10-2018 21.59 - 215900 115.9 %
26-11-2018 22.67 - 226700 126.7 %
24-12-2018 22.81 - 228100 128.1 %
23-01-2019 23.04 - 230400 130.4 %
25-02-2019 22.75 - 227500 127.5 %
25-03-2019 23.7 - 237000 137.0 %
23-04-2019 24.17 - 241700 141.7 %
23-05-2019 24.24 - 242400 142.4 %
24-06-2019 24.43 - 244300 144.3 %
23-07-2019 23.57 - 235700 135.7 %
23-08-2019 22.9 - 229000 129.0 %
23-09-2019 24.7 - 247000 147.0 %
23-10-2019 24.86 - 248600 148.6 %
25-11-2019 25.56 - 255600 155.6 %
23-12-2019 25.77 - 257700 157.7 %
23-01-2020 26.24 - 262400 162.4 %
24-02-2020 26.09 - 260900 160.9 %
23-03-2020 17.18 - 171800 71.8 %
23-04-2020 21.11 - 211100 111.1 %
26-05-2020 20.55 - 205500 105.5 %
23-06-2020 23.35 - 233500 133.5 %
23-07-2020 24.84 - 248400 148.4 %
24-08-2020 26.18 - 261800 161.8 %
23-09-2020 25.26 - 252600 152.6 %
23-10-2020 26.92 - 269200 169.2 %
23-11-2020 28.69 - 286900 186.9 %
23-12-2020 30.4 - 304000 204.0 %
25-01-2021 31.69 - 316900 216.9 %
23-02-2021 33.23 - 332300 232.3 %
23-03-2021 33.42 - 334200 234.2 %
23-04-2021 32.53 - 325300 225.3 %
24-05-2021 34.45 - 344500 244.5 %
23-06-2021 36.39 - 363900 263.9 %
23-07-2021 37.99 - 379900 279.9 %
23-08-2021 38.84 - 388400 288.4 %
23-09-2021 42.19 - 421900 321.9 %
25-10-2021 42.7 - 427000 327.0 %
23-11-2021 42.39 - 423900 323.9 %
23-12-2021 41.64 - 416400 316.4 %
24-01-2022 40.95 - 409500 309.5 %
23-02-2022 40.14 - 401400 301.4 %
23-03-2022 40.42 - 404200 304.2 %
25-04-2022 40.53 - 405300 305.3 %
23-05-2022 38.19 - 381900 281.9 %
23-06-2022 36.77 - 367700 267.7 %
25-07-2022 39.93 - 399300 299.3 %
23-08-2022 42.03 - 420300 320.3 %
23-09-2022 42.28 - 422800 322.8 %
25-10-2022 42.9 - 429000 329.0 %
23-11-2022 43.46 - 434600 334.6 %
23-12-2022 42.21 - 422100 322.1 %
23-01-2023 42.72 - 427200 327.2 %
23-02-2023 41.92 - 419200 319.2 %
23-03-2023 40.69 - 406900 306.9 %
24-04-2023 41.8 - 418000 318.0 %
23-05-2023 43.84 - 438400 338.4 %
23-06-2023 45.43 - 454300 354.3 %
24-07-2023 48.03 - 480300 380.3 %
23-08-2023 48.48 - 484800 384.8 %
25-09-2023 49.1 - 491000 391.0 %
23-10-2023 48.25 - 482500 382.5 %
23-11-2023 50.87 - 508700 408.7 %
26-12-2023 53.8 - 538000 438.0 %
23-01-2024 53.96 - 539600 439.6 %
23-02-2024 56.89 - 568900 468.9 %
26-03-2024 56.11 - 561100 461.1 %
23-04-2024 57.6 - 576000 476.0 %
23-05-2024 59.45 - 594500 494.5 %
24-06-2024 61.52 - 615200 515.2 %
23-07-2024 63.05 - 630500 530.5 %
23-08-2024 64.84 - 648400 548.4 %
23-09-2024 68.05 - 680500 580.5 %
23-10-2024 64.15 - 641500 541.5 %
25-11-2024 63.5 - 635000 535.0 %
23-12-2024 63.67 - 636700 536.7 %
14-01-2025 60.13 - 601300 501.3 %

RETURNS CALCULATOR for Union ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Growth Option

Growth of 10000 In SIP (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Period :
Start :
End :

Growth of 10000 In LUMPSUM (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Start :

Rolling Returns

Rolling returns are the annualized returns of the scheme taken for a specified period (rolling returns period) on every day/week/month and taken till the last day of the duration. In this chart we are showing the annualized returns over the rolling returns period on every day from the start date and comparing it with the benchmark. Rolling returns is the best measure of a fund's performance. Trailing returns have a recency bias and point to point returns are specific to the period in consideration. Rolling returns, on the other hand, measures the fund's absolute and relative performance across all timescales, without bias.



Key Performance and Risk Statistics of Union ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Growth Option

Key Statistics Volatility Sharpe Ratio Alpha Beta Yield to Maturity Average Maturity
Union ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Growth Option 11.7 0.62 0.33 0.86 - -
Equity: ELSS - - - - - -

PEER COMPARISION of Union ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Growth Option

Amount :
Start :
End :
Data as on - 14-01-2025
Scheme Name Launch
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Union ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Growth Option 23-12-2011 8.33 18.65 11.03 18.08 11.37
Motilal Oswal ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option 05-01-2015 28.48 36.03 21.29 21.41 0.0
HSBC Tax Saver Equity Fund - Growth 05-01-2007 22.3 25.9 14.13 18.13 12.89
HSBC ELSS Tax saver Fund - Regular Growth 01-01-2013 21.61 26.72 14.16 17.41 13.21
WhiteOak Capital ELSS Tax Saver Fund Regular Plan Growth 14-10-2022 20.44 27.46 0.0 0.0 0.0
SBI Long Term Equity Fund - Regular Plan- Growth 31-03-1993 20.18 31.13 20.85 22.83 14.33
JM ELSS Tax Saver Fund (Regular) - Growth option 31-03-2008 19.12 27.09 15.26 19.78 15.18
LIC MF ELSS Tax Saver-Regular Plan-Growth 31-03-1997 18.71 22.74 12.55 15.14 11.25
Invesco India ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Growth 29-12-2006 17.51 25.82 11.49 17.56 13.81
DSP ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 05-01-2007 17.46 24.08 15.26 19.77 15.3

PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS of Union ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Growth Option

Asset Allocation (%)

Allocation Percentage (%)

Market Cap Distribution

Small Cap




Large Cap


Mid Cap


