ICICI Prudential ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Growth

Category: Equity: ELSS
Launch Date: 19-08-1999
Asset Class: Equity
Benchmark: NIFTY 500 TRI
Expense Ratio: 1.73% As on (30-12-2024)
Status: Open Ended Schemes
Minimum Investment: 500.0
Minimum Topup: 500.0
Total Assets: 13,846.63 Cr As on (31-12-2024)
Turn over: 25%
NAV as on 14-01-2025


6.81 (0.8026%)

CAGR Since Inception


NIFTY 500 TRI 12.44%

PERFORMANCE of ICICI Prudential ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Growth

Scheme Performance (%)

Data as on - 14-01-2025

Yearly Performance (%)

Fund Managers

Mittul Kalawadia, Sharmila D'mello

Investment Objective

The scheme seeks long-term capital appreciation by investing approximately 90 per cent of the investments in equity instruments, while the balance 10 per cent would be a parked in debt and money market instrument and cash ( Including-money at call).

NAV & Lumpsum details( Invested amount 1,00,000)

Show All Monthly Lumpsum Returns
NAV Date NAV Units Market
19-08-1999 10.0 10000.0 100000 0.0 %
20-09-1999 12.3 - 123000 23.0 %
20-10-1999 15.06 - 150600 50.6 %
19-11-1999 13.85 - 138500 38.5 %
20-12-1999 18.6 - 186000 86.0 %
19-01-2000 20.86 - 208600 108.6 %
21-02-2000 26.18 - 261800 161.8 %
21-03-2000 22.37 - 223700 123.7 %
19-04-2000 16.89 - 168900 68.9 %
19-05-2000 12.45 - 124500 24.5 %
19-06-2000 14.82 - 148200 48.2 %
19-07-2000 13.08 - 130800 30.8 %
22-08-2000 13.11 - 131100 31.1 %
19-09-2000 13.41 - 134100 34.1 %
19-10-2000 11.71 - 117100 17.1 %
20-11-2000 12.47 - 124700 24.7 %
19-12-2000 12.73 - 127300 27.3 %
19-01-2001 12.96 - 129600 29.6 %
20-02-2001 13.07 - 130700 30.7 %
19-03-2001 10.87 - 108700 8.7 %
19-04-2001 10.3 - 103000 3.0 %
21-05-2001 10.93 - 109300 9.3 %
19-06-2001 10.52 - 105200 5.2 %
19-07-2001 10.2 - 102000 2.0 %
20-08-2001 10.12 - 101200 1.2 %
19-09-2001 8.93 - 89300 -10.7 %
19-10-2001 9.65 - 96500 -3.5 %
19-11-2001 10.69 - 106900 6.9 %
19-12-2001 11.09 - 110900 10.9 %
21-01-2002 12.31 - 123100 23.1 %
19-02-2002 12.89 - 128900 28.9 %
19-03-2002 13.06 - 130600 30.6 %
19-04-2002 13.3 - 133000 33.0 %
20-05-2002 12.52 - 125200 25.2 %
19-06-2002 13.18 - 131800 31.8 %
19-07-2002 13.17 - 131700 31.7 %
19-08-2002 12.08 - 120800 20.8 %
19-09-2002 11.55 - 115500 15.5 %
21-10-2002 11.69 - 116900 16.9 %
20-11-2002 11.79 - 117900 17.9 %
19-12-2002 12.48 - 124800 24.8 %
20-01-2003 12.91 - 129100 29.1 %
19-02-2003 12.49 - 124900 24.9 %
19-03-2003 11.79 - 117900 17.9 %
21-04-2003 11.89 - 118900 18.9 %
19-05-2003 13.3 - 133000 33.0 %
19-06-2003 15.4 - 154000 54.0 %
21-07-2003 16.79 - 167900 67.9 %
19-08-2003 19.25 - 192500 92.5 %
19-09-2003 21.61 - 216100 116.1 %
20-10-2003 23.97 - 239700 139.7 %
19-11-2003 25.64 - 256400 156.4 %
19-12-2003 30.38 - 303800 203.8 %
19-01-2004 30.34 - 303400 203.4 %
19-02-2004 27.22 - 272200 172.2 %
19-03-2004 25.17 - 251700 151.7 %
19-04-2004 28.47 - 284700 184.7 %
19-05-2004 25.19 - 251900 151.9 %
21-06-2004 24.26 - 242600 142.6 %
19-07-2004 27.48 - 274800 174.8 %
19-08-2004 29.79 - 297900 197.9 %
20-09-2004 32.82 - 328200 228.2 %
19-10-2004 34.03 - 340300 240.3 %
19-11-2004 38.09 - 380900 280.9 %
20-12-2004 41.77 - 417700 317.7 %
19-01-2005 41.59 - 415900 315.9 %
21-02-2005 46.4 - 464000 364.0 %
21-03-2005 48.89 - 488900 388.9 %
19-04-2005 46.74 - 467400 367.4 %
19-05-2005 51.43 - 514300 414.3 %
20-06-2005 53.23 - 532300 432.3 %
19-07-2005 58.71 - 587100 487.1 %
19-08-2005 65.49 - 654900 554.9 %
19-09-2005 71.2 - 712000 612.0 %
19-10-2005 63.75 - 637500 537.5 %
21-11-2005 67.1 - 671000 571.0 %
19-12-2005 72.74 - 727400 627.4 %
19-01-2006 76.6 - 766000 666.0 %
20-02-2006 76.97 - 769700 669.7 %
20-03-2006 82.52 - 825200 725.2 %
19-04-2006 95.62 - 956200 856.2 %
19-05-2006 89.19 - 891900 791.9 %
19-06-2006 70.12 - 701200 601.2 %
19-07-2006 69.54 - 695400 595.4 %
21-08-2006 85.19 - 851900 751.9 %
19-09-2006 89.34 - 893400 793.4 %
19-10-2006 90.14 - 901400 801.4 %
20-11-2006 89.68 - 896800 796.8 %
19-12-2006 89.19 - 891900 791.9 %
19-01-2007 95.57 - 955700 855.7 %
19-02-2007 91.01 - 910100 810.1 %
19-03-2007 81.48 - 814800 714.8 %
19-04-2007 86.93 - 869300 769.3 %
21-05-2007 92.58 - 925800 825.8 %
19-06-2007 90.98 - 909800 809.8 %
19-07-2007 97.71 - 977100 877.1 %
20-08-2007 90.74 - 907400 807.4 %
19-09-2007 99.04 - 990400 890.4 %
19-10-2007 100.45 - 1004500 904.5 %
19-11-2007 116.56 - 1165600 1065.6 %
19-12-2007 121.59 - 1215900 1115.9 %
21-01-2008 111.57 - 1115700 1015.7 %
19-02-2008 106.56 - 1065600 965.6 %
19-03-2008 86.49 - 864900 764.9 %
21-04-2008 101.84 - 1018400 918.4 %
20-05-2008 102.89 - 1028900 928.9 %
19-06-2008 93.56 - 935600 835.6 %
21-07-2008 83.34 - 833400 733.4 %
19-08-2008 89.36 - 893600 793.6 %
19-09-2008 85.28 - 852800 752.8 %
20-10-2008 59.93 - 599300 499.3 %
19-11-2008 51.89 - 518900 418.9 %
19-12-2008 57.97 - 579700 479.7 %
19-01-2009 55.02 - 550200 450.2 %
19-02-2009 52.82 - 528200 428.2 %
19-03-2009 52.1 - 521000 421.0 %
20-04-2009 64.29 - 642900 542.9 %
19-05-2009 77.68 - 776800 676.8 %
19-06-2009 84.49 - 844900 744.9 %
20-07-2009 90.18 - 901800 801.8 %
19-08-2009 93.71 - 937100 837.1 %
22-09-2009 105.65 - 1056500 956.5 %
20-10-2009 110.69 - 1106900 1006.9 %
19-11-2009 111.8 - 1118000 1018.0 %
21-12-2009 116.74 - 1167400 1067.4 %
19-01-2010 124.88 - 1248800 1148.8 %
19-02-2010 119.51 - 1195100 1095.1 %
19-03-2010 126.48 - 1264800 1164.8 %
19-04-2010 127.73 - 1277300 1177.3 %
19-05-2010 123.69 - 1236900 1136.9 %
21-06-2010 131.56 - 1315600 1215.6 %
19-07-2010 134.93 - 1349300 1249.3 %
19-08-2010 138.35 - 1383500 1283.5 %
20-09-2010 148.24 - 1482400 1382.4 %
19-10-2010 150.34 - 1503400 1403.4 %
19-11-2010 147.07 - 1470700 1370.7 %
20-12-2010 146.72 - 1467200 1367.2 %
19-01-2011 141.02 - 1410200 1310.2 %
21-02-2011 136.87 - 1368700 1268.7 %
21-03-2011 131.53 - 1315300 1215.3 %
19-04-2011 142.38 - 1423800 1323.8 %
19-05-2011 137.24 - 1372400 1272.4 %
20-06-2011 135.23 - 1352300 1252.3 %
19-07-2011 143.74 - 1437400 1337.4 %
19-08-2011 124.41 - 1244100 1144.1 %
19-09-2011 129.11 - 1291100 1191.1 %
19-10-2011 131.51 - 1315100 1215.1 %
21-11-2011 121.49 - 1214900 1114.9 %
19-12-2011 115.66 - 1156600 1056.6 %
19-01-2012 126.31 - 1263100 1163.1 %
21-02-2012 140.12 - 1401200 1301.2 %
19-03-2012 134.5 - 1345000 1245.0 %
19-04-2012 135.6 - 1356000 1256.0 %
21-05-2012 126.84 - 1268400 1168.4 %
19-06-2012 131.69 - 1316900 1216.9 %
19-07-2012 137.68 - 1376800 1276.8 %
21-08-2012 139.94 - 1399400 1299.4 %
20-09-2012 144.81 - 1448100 1348.1 %
19-10-2012 148.4 - 1484000 1384.0 %
19-11-2012 148.29 - 1482900 1382.9 %
19-12-2012 158.08 - 1580800 1480.8 %
21-01-2013 162.52 - 1625200 1525.2 %
19-02-2013 155.83 - 1558300 1458.3 %
19-03-2013 147.82 - 1478200 1378.2 %
22-04-2013 148.41 - 1484100 1384.1 %
20-05-2013 153.34 - 1533400 1433.4 %
19-06-2013 146.76 - 1467600 1367.6 %
19-07-2013 147.06 - 1470600 1370.6 %
19-08-2013 139.13 - 1391300 1291.3 %
19-09-2013 154.12 - 1541200 1441.2 %
21-10-2013 159.77 - 1597700 1497.7 %
19-11-2013 166.43 - 1664300 1564.3 %
19-12-2013 168.34 - 1683400 1583.4 %
20-01-2014 172.78 - 1727800 1627.8 %
19-02-2014 168.47 - 1684700 1584.7 %
19-03-2014 179.65 - 1796500 1696.5 %
21-04-2014 192.79 - 1927900 1827.9 %
19-05-2014 212.69 - 2126900 2026.9 %
19-06-2014 229.41 - 2294100 2194.1 %
21-07-2014 232.38 - 2323800 2223.8 %
19-08-2014 241.36 - 2413600 2313.6 %
19-09-2014 255.54 - 2555400 2455.4 %
20-10-2014 247.33 - 2473300 2373.3 %
19-11-2014 262.61 - 2626100 2526.1 %
19-12-2014 258.93 - 2589300 2489.3 %
19-01-2015 270.24 - 2702400 2602.4 %
19-02-2015 281.46 - 2814600 2714.6 %
19-03-2015 273.71 - 2737100 2637.1 %
20-04-2015 270.69 - 2706900 2606.9 %
19-05-2015 268.18 - 2681800 2581.8 %
19-06-2015 261.79 - 2617900 2517.9 %
20-07-2015 276.21 - 2762100 2662.1 %
19-08-2015 278.98 - 2789800 2689.8 %
21-09-2015 265.15 - 2651500 2551.5 %
19-10-2015 273.02 - 2730200 2630.2 %
19-11-2015 270.55 - 2705500 2605.5 %
21-12-2015 270.66 - 2706600 2606.6 %
19-01-2016 254.61 - 2546100 2446.1 %
19-02-2016 242.47 - 2424700 2324.7 %
21-03-2016 254.22 - 2542200 2442.2 %
20-04-2016 264.62 - 2646200 2546.2 %
19-05-2016 264.42 - 2644200 2544.2 %
20-06-2016 274.04 - 2740400 2640.4 %
19-07-2016 287.41 - 2874100 2774.1 %
19-08-2016 296.61 - 2966100 2866.1 %
19-09-2016 305.34 - 3053400 2953.4 %
19-10-2016 307.33 - 3073300 2973.3 %
21-11-2016 278.45 - 2784500 2684.5 %
19-12-2016 283.44 - 2834400 2734.4 %
19-01-2017 292.98 - 2929800 2829.8 %
20-02-2017 307.53 - 3075300 2975.3 %
20-03-2017 318.08 - 3180800 3080.8 %
19-04-2017 322.89 - 3228900 3128.9 %
19-05-2017 325.07 - 3250700 3150.7 %
19-06-2017 322.31 - 3223100 3123.1 %
19-07-2017 331.04 - 3310400 3210.4 %
21-08-2017 317.42 - 3174200 3074.2 %
19-09-2017 333.34 - 3333400 3233.4 %
23-10-2017 328.69 - 3286900 3186.9 %
20-11-2017 345.09 - 3450900 3350.9 %
19-12-2017 354.7 - 3547000 3447.0 %
19-01-2018 366.6 - 3666000 3566.0 %
19-02-2018 348.38 - 3483800 3383.8 %
19-03-2018 343.16 - 3431600 3331.6 %
19-04-2018 357.99 - 3579900 3479.9 %
21-05-2018 344.72 - 3447200 3347.2 %
19-06-2018 357.62 - 3576200 3476.2 %
19-07-2018 355.47 - 3554700 3454.7 %
20-08-2018 377.96 - 3779600 3679.6 %
19-09-2018 375.34 - 3753400 3653.4 %
19-10-2018 343.41 - 3434100 3334.1 %
19-11-2018 358.04 - 3580400 3480.4 %
19-12-2018 363.5 - 3635000 3535.0 %
21-01-2019 357.2 - 3572000 3472.0 %
19-02-2019 338.89 - 3388900 3288.9 %
19-03-2019 373.46 - 3734600 3634.6 %
22-04-2019 379.14 - 3791400 3691.4 %
20-05-2019 383.11 - 3831100 3731.1 %
19-06-2019 377.42 - 3774200 3674.2 %
19-07-2019 370.02 - 3700200 3600.2 %
19-08-2019 356.68 - 3566800 3466.8 %
19-09-2019 349.37 - 3493700 3393.7 %
22-10-2019 369.8 - 3698000 3598.0 %
19-11-2019 383.36 - 3833600 3733.6 %
19-12-2019 389.36 - 3893600 3793.6 %
20-01-2020 398.99 - 3989900 3889.9 %
19-02-2020 391.01 - 3910100 3810.1 %
19-03-2020 271.83 - 2718300 2618.3 %
20-04-2020 306.26 - 3062600 2962.6 %
19-05-2020 292.78 - 2927800 2827.8 %
19-06-2020 332.06 - 3320600 3220.6 %
20-07-2020 349.58 - 3495800 3395.8 %
19-08-2020 365.69 - 3656900 3556.9 %
21-09-2020 356.71 - 3567100 3467.1 %
19-10-2020 366.3 - 3663000 3563.0 %
19-11-2020 400.21 - 4002100 3902.1 %
21-12-2020 422.54 - 4225400 4125.4 %
19-01-2021 466.29 - 4662900 4562.9 %
19-02-2021 488.21 - 4882100 4782.1 %
19-03-2021 484.1 - 4841000 4741.0 %
19-04-2021 471.07 - 4710700 4610.7 %
19-05-2021 496.1 - 4961000 4861.0 %
21-06-2021 520.85 - 5208500 5108.5 %
19-07-2021 533.64 - 5336400 5236.4 %
20-08-2021 553.84 - 5538400 5438.4 %
20-09-2021 586.93 - 5869300 5769.3 %
19-10-2021 623.34 - 6233400 6133.4 %
22-11-2021 599.04 - 5990400 5890.4 %
20-12-2021 568.07 - 5680700 5580.7 %
19-01-2022 610.93 - 6109300 6009.3 %
21-02-2022 580.93 - 5809300 5709.3 %
21-03-2022 577.66 - 5776600 5676.6 %
19-04-2022 577.04 - 5770400 5670.4 %
19-05-2022 532.19 - 5321900 5221.9 %
20-06-2022 515.45 - 5154500 5054.5 %
19-07-2022 560.59 - 5605900 5505.9 %
19-08-2022 597.65 - 5976500 5876.5 %
19-09-2022 596.59 - 5965900 5865.9 %
19-10-2022 595.98 - 5959800 5859.8 %
21-11-2022 608.6 - 6086000 5986.0 %
19-12-2022 618.18 - 6181800 6081.8 %
19-01-2023 608.4 - 6084000 5984.0 %
20-02-2023 594.28 - 5942800 5842.8 %
20-03-2023 568.8 - 5688000 5588.0 %
19-04-2023 584.94 - 5849400 5749.4 %
19-05-2023 609.83 - 6098300 5998.3 %
19-06-2023 640.22 - 6402200 6302.2 %
19-07-2023 665.47 - 6654700 6554.7 %
21-08-2023 664.58 - 6645800 6545.8 %
20-09-2023 688.08 - 6880800 6780.8 %
19-10-2023 684.69 - 6846900 6746.9 %
20-11-2023 694.04 - 6940400 6840.4 %
19-12-2023 746.31 - 7463100 7363.1 %
19-01-2024 755.68 - 7556800 7456.8 %
19-02-2024 786.95 - 7869500 7769.5 %
19-03-2024 769.53 - 7695300 7595.3 %
19-04-2024 797.57 - 7975700 7875.7 %
21-05-2024 815.0 - 8150000 8050.0 %
19-06-2024 848.0 - 8480000 8380.0 %
19-07-2024 882.31 - 8823100 8723.1 %
19-08-2024 901.59 - 9015900 8915.9 %
19-09-2024 954.91 - 9549100 9449.1 %
21-10-2024 922.67 - 9226700 9126.7 %
19-11-2024 871.91 - 8719100 8619.1 %
19-12-2024 886.96 - 8869600 8769.6 %
14-01-2025 848.49 - 8484900 8384.9 %

RETURNS CALCULATOR for ICICI Prudential ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Growth

Growth of 10000 In SIP (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Period :
Start :
End :

Growth of 10000 In LUMPSUM (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Start :

Rolling Returns

Rolling returns are the annualized returns of the scheme taken for a specified period (rolling returns period) on every day/week/month and taken till the last day of the duration. In this chart we are showing the annualized returns over the rolling returns period on every day from the start date and comparing it with the benchmark. Rolling returns is the best measure of a fund's performance. Trailing returns have a recency bias and point to point returns are specific to the period in consideration. Rolling returns, on the other hand, measures the fund's absolute and relative performance across all timescales, without bias.



Key Performance and Risk Statistics of ICICI Prudential ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Growth

Key Statistics Volatility Sharpe Ratio Alpha Beta Yield to Maturity Average Maturity
ICICI Prudential ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Growth 11.92 0.53 -0.61 0.9 - -
Equity: ELSS - - - - - -

PEER COMPARISION of ICICI Prudential ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Growth

Amount :
Start :
End :
Data as on - 14-01-2025
Scheme Name Launch
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
ICICI Prudential ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Growth 19-08-1999 11.89 18.02 10.9 16.21 12.41
Motilal Oswal ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option 05-01-2015 28.48 36.03 21.29 21.41 0.0
HSBC Tax Saver Equity Fund - Growth 05-01-2007 22.3 25.9 14.13 18.13 12.89
HSBC ELSS Tax saver Fund - Regular Growth 01-01-2013 21.61 26.72 14.16 17.41 13.21
WhiteOak Capital ELSS Tax Saver Fund Regular Plan Growth 14-10-2022 20.44 27.46 0.0 0.0 0.0
SBI Long Term Equity Fund - Regular Plan- Growth 31-03-1993 20.18 31.13 20.85 22.83 14.33
JM ELSS Tax Saver Fund (Regular) - Growth option 31-03-2008 19.12 27.09 15.26 19.78 15.18
LIC MF ELSS Tax Saver-Regular Plan-Growth 31-03-1997 18.71 22.74 12.55 15.14 11.25
Invesco India ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Growth 29-12-2006 17.51 25.82 11.49 17.56 13.81
DSP ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 05-01-2007 17.46 24.08 15.26 19.77 15.3

PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS of ICICI Prudential ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Growth

Asset Allocation (%)

Allocation Percentage (%)

Market Cap Distribution

Small Cap




Large Cap


Mid Cap


