ICICI Prudential FMCG Fund - Growth

Category: Equity: Sectoral-FMCG
Launch Date: 31-03-1999
Asset Class: Equity
Expense Ratio: 2.17% As on (30-12-2024)
Status: Open Ended Schemes
Minimum Investment: 5000.0
Minimum Topup: 1000.0
Total Assets: 1,760.61 Cr As on (31-12-2024)
Turn over: 60%
NAV as on 21-01-2025


-0.29 (-0.0614%)

CAGR Since Inception



PERFORMANCE of ICICI Prudential FMCG Fund - Growth

Scheme Performance (%)

Data as on - 22-01-2025

Yearly Performance (%)

Fund Managers

Priyanka Khandelwal

Investment Objective

The scheme seeks to generate long-term capital appreciation through investments predominantly in equity and related securities of FMCG companies. Around 90 per cent of the corpus would be invested in the equities of FMCG companies, with the balance 10 per cent invested in the debt and money market instruments.

NAV & Lumpsum details( Invested amount 1,00,000)

Show All Monthly Lumpsum Returns
NAV Date NAV Units Market
31-03-1999 10.0 10000.0 100000 0.0 %
07-06-1999 10.28 - 102800 2.8 %
07-06-1999 10.28 - 102800 2.8 %
30-06-1999 10.38 - 103800 3.8 %
30-07-1999 11.1 - 111000 11.0 %
30-08-1999 11.68 - 116800 16.8 %
30-09-1999 11.92 - 119200 19.2 %
01-11-1999 10.49 - 104900 4.9 %
30-11-1999 11.17 - 111700 11.7 %
30-12-1999 12.2 - 122000 22.0 %
31-01-2000 12.42 - 124200 24.2 %
29-02-2000 12.28 - 122800 22.8 %
29-03-2000 10.97 - 109700 9.7 %
02-05-2000 9.02 - 90200 -9.8 %
29-05-2000 9.64 - 96400 -3.6 %
29-06-2000 10.04 - 100400 0.4 %
31-07-2000 10.02 - 100200 0.2 %
29-08-2000 9.83 - 98300 -1.7 %
29-09-2000 9.33 - 93300 -6.7 %
30-10-2000 9.17 - 91700 -8.3 %
29-11-2000 9.86 - 98600 -1.4 %
29-12-2000 10.21 - 102100 2.1 %
29-01-2001 10.06 - 100600 0.6 %
28-02-2001 10.19 - 101900 1.9 %
28-03-2001 9.27 - 92700 -7.3 %
30-04-2001 8.96 - 89600 -10.4 %
28-05-2001 8.84 - 88400 -11.6 %
28-06-2001 8.64 - 86400 -13.6 %
30-07-2001 8.71 - 87100 -12.9 %
28-08-2001 8.63 - 86300 -13.7 %
28-09-2001 8.02 - 80200 -19.8 %
29-10-2001 8.2 - 82000 -18.0 %
28-11-2001 8.52 - 85200 -14.8 %
28-12-2001 8.68 - 86800 -13.2 %
28-01-2002 8.86 - 88600 -11.4 %
28-02-2002 9.06 - 90600 -9.4 %
28-03-2002 8.78 - 87800 -12.2 %
29-04-2002 8.57 - 85700 -14.3 %
28-05-2002 8.39 - 83900 -16.1 %
28-06-2002 8.89 - 88900 -11.1 %
29-07-2002 8.28 - 82800 -17.2 %
28-08-2002 8.6 - 86000 -14.0 %
30-09-2002 8.41 - 84100 -15.9 %
28-10-2002 7.86 - 78600 -21.4 %
28-11-2002 8.0 - 80000 -20.0 %
30-12-2002 8.03 - 80300 -19.7 %
28-01-2003 7.77 - 77700 -22.3 %
28-02-2003 7.73 - 77300 -22.7 %
28-03-2003 7.25 - 72500 -27.5 %
28-04-2003 7.48 - 74800 -25.2 %
28-05-2003 8.18 - 81800 -18.2 %
30-06-2003 9.05 - 90500 -9.5 %
28-07-2003 9.2 - 92000 -8.0 %
28-08-2003 10.24 - 102400 2.4 %
29-09-2003 10.01 - 100100 0.1 %
28-10-2003 10.2 - 102000 2.0 %
28-11-2003 11.03 - 110300 10.3 %
29-12-2003 13.09 - 130900 30.9 %
28-01-2004 12.23 - 122300 22.3 %
01-03-2004 12.03 - 120300 20.3 %
29-03-2004 10.92 - 109200 9.2 %
28-04-2004 11.9 - 119000 19.0 %
28-05-2004 11.11 - 111100 11.1 %
28-06-2004 11.05 - 110500 10.5 %
28-07-2004 11.75 - 117500 17.5 %
30-08-2004 12.71 - 127100 27.1 %
28-09-2004 12.91 - 129100 29.1 %
28-10-2004 12.8 - 128000 28.0 %
29-11-2004 15.43 - 154300 54.3 %
28-12-2004 16.61 - 166100 66.1 %
28-01-2005 17.08 - 170800 70.8 %
28-02-2005 17.52 - 175200 75.2 %
28-03-2005 17.87 - 178700 78.7 %
28-04-2005 19.1 - 191000 91.0 %
30-05-2005 20.71 - 207100 107.1 %
28-06-2005 21.11 - 211100 111.1 %
29-07-2005 24.21 - 242100 142.1 %
29-08-2005 27.35 - 273500 173.5 %
28-09-2005 30.33 - 303300 203.3 %
28-10-2005 26.58 - 265800 165.8 %
28-11-2005 30.24 - 302400 202.4 %
28-12-2005 31.97 - 319700 219.7 %
30-01-2006 34.1 - 341000 241.0 %
28-02-2006 35.43 - 354300 254.3 %
28-03-2006 38.0 - 380000 280.0 %
28-04-2006 40.4 - 404000 304.0 %
29-05-2006 37.48 - 374800 274.8 %
28-06-2006 32.61 - 326100 226.1 %
28-07-2006 32.93 - 329300 229.3 %
28-08-2006 36.81 - 368100 268.1 %
28-09-2006 38.37 - 383700 283.7 %
30-10-2006 38.83 - 388300 288.3 %
28-11-2006 40.75 - 407500 307.5 %
28-12-2006 40.28 - 402800 302.8 %
29-01-2007 41.51 - 415100 315.1 %
28-02-2007 39.42 - 394200 294.2 %
28-03-2007 38.58 - 385800 285.8 %
30-04-2007 38.74 - 387400 287.4 %
28-05-2007 41.88 - 418800 318.8 %
28-06-2007 42.29 - 422900 322.9 %
30-07-2007 43.56 - 435600 335.6 %
28-08-2007 44.46 - 444600 344.6 %
28-09-2007 46.92 - 469200 369.2 %
29-10-2007 49.09 - 490900 390.9 %
28-11-2007 48.9 - 489000 389.0 %
28-12-2007 57.08 - 570800 470.8 %
28-01-2008 50.39 - 503900 403.9 %
28-02-2008 48.38 - 483800 383.8 %
28-03-2008 46.29 - 462900 362.9 %
28-04-2008 49.54 - 495400 395.4 %
28-05-2008 47.28 - 472800 372.8 %
30-06-2008 41.01 - 410100 310.1 %
28-07-2008 40.28 - 402800 302.8 %
28-08-2008 40.49 - 404900 304.9 %
29-09-2008 37.72 - 377200 277.2 %
29-10-2008 29.68 - 296800 196.8 %
28-11-2008 30.66 - 306600 206.6 %
29-12-2008 31.54 - 315400 215.4 %
28-01-2009 31.27 - 312700 212.7 %
02-03-2009 30.46 - 304600 204.6 %
30-03-2009 30.75 - 307500 207.5 %
28-04-2009 32.78 - 327800 227.8 %
28-05-2009 35.27 - 352700 252.7 %
29-06-2009 37.8 - 378000 278.0 %
28-07-2009 44.67 - 446700 346.7 %
28-08-2009 46.22 - 462200 362.2 %
29-09-2009 47.03 - 470300 370.3 %
28-10-2009 50.14 - 501400 401.4 %
30-11-2009 52.25 - 522500 422.5 %
29-12-2009 52.82 - 528200 428.2 %
28-01-2010 51.33 - 513300 413.3 %
02-03-2010 50.2 - 502000 402.0 %
29-03-2010 53.08 - 530800 430.8 %
28-04-2010 53.48 - 534800 434.8 %
28-05-2010 53.35 - 533500 433.5 %
28-06-2010 60.12 - 601200 501.2 %
28-07-2010 61.68 - 616800 516.8 %
30-08-2010 63.86 - 638600 538.6 %
28-09-2010 68.47 - 684700 584.7 %
28-10-2010 66.83 - 668300 568.3 %
29-11-2010 64.21 - 642100 542.1 %
28-12-2010 64.31 - 643100 543.1 %
28-01-2011 61.53 - 615300 515.3 %
28-02-2011 61.23 - 612300 512.3 %
28-03-2011 63.22 - 632200 532.2 %
28-04-2011 68.62 - 686200 586.2 %
30-05-2011 67.94 - 679400 579.4 %
28-06-2011 71.84 - 718400 618.4 %
28-07-2011 79.04 - 790400 690.4 %
29-08-2011 76.82 - 768200 668.2 %
28-09-2011 77.3 - 773000 673.0 %
28-10-2011 78.67 - 786700 686.7 %
28-11-2011 75.69 - 756900 656.9 %
28-12-2011 75.7 - 757000 657.0 %
30-01-2012 75.82 - 758200 658.2 %
28-02-2012 79.27 - 792700 692.7 %
28-03-2012 84.03 - 840300 740.3 %
30-04-2012 91.12 - 911200 811.2 %
28-05-2012 88.1 - 881000 781.0 %
28-06-2012 91.96 - 919600 819.6 %
30-07-2012 93.66 - 936600 836.6 %
28-08-2012 98.28 - 982800 882.8 %
28-09-2012 100.97 - 1009700 909.7 %
29-10-2012 103.33 - 1033300 933.3 %
29-11-2012 108.59 - 1085900 985.9 %
28-12-2012 106.27 - 1062700 962.7 %
28-01-2013 105.0 - 1050000 950.0 %
28-02-2013 101.72 - 1017200 917.2 %
28-03-2013 104.84 - 1048400 948.4 %
29-04-2013 109.15 - 1091500 991.5 %
28-05-2013 116.2 - 1162000 1062.0 %
28-06-2013 111.37 - 1113700 1013.7 %
29-07-2013 120.73 - 1207300 1107.3 %
28-08-2013 103.76 - 1037600 937.6 %
30-09-2013 115.77 - 1157700 1057.7 %
28-10-2013 115.36 - 1153600 1053.6 %
28-11-2013 113.45 - 1134500 1034.5 %
30-12-2013 116.06 - 1160600 1060.6 %
28-01-2014 115.55 - 1155500 1055.5 %
28-02-2014 115.79 - 1157900 1057.9 %
28-03-2014 123.58 - 1235800 1135.8 %
28-04-2014 122.41 - 1224100 1124.1 %
28-05-2014 123.93 - 1239300 1139.3 %
30-06-2014 123.42 - 1234200 1134.2 %
28-07-2014 131.02 - 1310200 1210.2 %
28-08-2014 134.52 - 1345200 1245.2 %
29-09-2014 139.85 - 1398500 1298.5 %
28-10-2014 140.09 - 1400900 1300.9 %
28-11-2014 149.47 - 1494700 1394.7 %
29-12-2014 152.79 - 1527900 1427.9 %
28-01-2015 161.06 - 1610600 1510.6 %
02-03-2015 157.86 - 1578600 1478.6 %
30-03-2015 156.19 - 1561900 1461.9 %
28-04-2015 156.22 - 1562200 1462.2 %
28-05-2015 156.29 - 1562900 1462.9 %
29-06-2015 154.07 - 1540700 1440.7 %
28-07-2015 158.94 - 1589400 1489.4 %
28-08-2015 159.06 - 1590600 1490.6 %
28-09-2015 154.38 - 1543800 1443.8 %
28-10-2015 164.68 - 1646800 1546.8 %
30-11-2015 161.18 - 1611800 1511.8 %
28-12-2015 160.43 - 1604300 1504.3 %
28-01-2016 152.42 - 1524200 1424.2 %
29-02-2016 142.47 - 1424700 1324.7 %
28-03-2016 150.46 - 1504600 1404.6 %
28-04-2016 157.62 - 1576200 1476.2 %
30-05-2016 165.37 - 1653700 1553.7 %
28-06-2016 168.52 - 1685200 1585.2 %
28-07-2016 177.57 - 1775700 1675.7 %
29-08-2016 180.68 - 1806800 1706.8 %
28-09-2016 176.65 - 1766500 1666.5 %
28-10-2016 176.01 - 1760100 1660.1 %
28-11-2016 162.01 - 1620100 1520.1 %
28-12-2016 159.5 - 1595000 1495.0 %
30-01-2017 171.89 - 1718900 1618.9 %
28-02-2017 178.79 - 1787900 1687.9 %
28-03-2017 186.35 - 1863500 1763.5 %
28-04-2017 191.34 - 1913400 1813.4 %
29-05-2017 199.67 - 1996700 1896.7 %
28-06-2017 200.01 - 2000100 1900.1 %
28-07-2017 204.3 - 2043000 1943.0 %
28-08-2017 206.59 - 2065900 1965.9 %
28-09-2017 202.01 - 2020100 1920.1 %
30-10-2017 211.36 - 2113600 2013.6 %
28-11-2017 215.29 - 2152900 2052.9 %
28-12-2017 219.63 - 2196300 2096.3 %
29-01-2018 224.16 - 2241600 2141.6 %
28-02-2018 217.09 - 2170900 2070.9 %
28-03-2018 216.86 - 2168600 2068.6 %
30-04-2018 231.1 - 2311000 2211.0 %
28-05-2018 229.34 - 2293400 2193.4 %
28-06-2018 219.3 - 2193000 2093.0 %
30-07-2018 237.4 - 2374000 2274.0 %
28-08-2018 254.19 - 2541900 2441.9 %
28-09-2018 233.25 - 2332500 2232.5 %
29-10-2018 222.4 - 2224000 2124.0 %
28-11-2018 231.47 - 2314700 2214.7 %
28-12-2018 236.75 - 2367500 2267.5 %
28-01-2019 230.75 - 2307500 2207.5 %
28-02-2019 229.43 - 2294300 2194.3 %
28-03-2019 240.21 - 2402100 2302.1 %
30-04-2019 241.77 - 2417700 2317.7 %
28-05-2019 240.19 - 2401900 2301.9 %
28-06-2019 238.82 - 2388200 2288.2 %
29-07-2019 232.57 - 2325700 2225.7 %
28-08-2019 235.23 - 2352300 2252.3 %
30-09-2019 251.06 - 2510600 2410.6 %
29-10-2019 255.52 - 2555200 2455.2 %
28-11-2019 252.25 - 2522500 2422.5 %
30-12-2019 247.75 - 2477500 2377.5 %
28-01-2020 253.22 - 2532200 2432.2 %
28-02-2020 241.0 - 2410000 2310.0 %
30-03-2020 200.35 - 2003500 1903.5 %
28-04-2020 218.94 - 2189400 2089.4 %
28-05-2020 221.06 - 2210600 2110.6 %
29-06-2020 234.21 - 2342100 2242.1 %
28-07-2020 239.57 - 2395700 2295.7 %
28-08-2020 247.1 - 2471000 2371.0 %
28-09-2020 233.64 - 2336400 2236.4 %
28-10-2020 234.67 - 2346700 2246.7 %
01-12-2020 253.0 - 2530000 2430.0 %
28-12-2020 271.17 - 2711700 2611.7 %
28-01-2021 269.34 - 2693400 2593.4 %
01-03-2021 267.59 - 2675900 2575.9 %
30-03-2021 277.2 - 2772000 2672.0 %
28-04-2021 275.64 - 2756400 2656.4 %
28-05-2021 284.86 - 2848600 2748.6 %
28-06-2021 295.62 - 2956200 2856.2 %
28-07-2021 297.21 - 2972100 2872.1 %
30-08-2021 311.39 - 3113900 3013.9 %
28-09-2021 331.53 - 3315300 3215.3 %
28-10-2021 322.83 - 3228300 3128.3 %
29-11-2021 321.36 - 3213600 3113.6 %
28-12-2021 322.64 - 3226400 3126.4 %
28-01-2022 322.1 - 3221000 3121.0 %
28-02-2022 318.37 - 3183700 3083.7 %
28-03-2022 323.24 - 3232400 3132.4 %
28-04-2022 339.4 - 3394000 3294.0 %
30-05-2022 341.57 - 3415700 3315.7 %
28-06-2022 338.25 - 3382500 3282.5 %
28-07-2022 367.34 - 3673400 3573.4 %
29-08-2022 371.62 - 3716200 3616.2 %
28-09-2022 372.67 - 3726700 3626.7 %
28-10-2022 379.6 - 3796000 3696.0 %
28-11-2022 383.02 - 3830200 3730.2 %
28-12-2022 385.86 - 3858600 3758.6 %
30-01-2023 380.96 - 3809600 3709.6 %
28-02-2023 386.35 - 3863500 3763.5 %
28-03-2023 385.56 - 3855600 3755.6 %
28-04-2023 405.52 - 4055200 3955.2 %
29-05-2023 422.44 - 4224400 4124.4 %
28-06-2023 437.23 - 4372300 4272.3 %
28-07-2023 451.1 - 4511000 4411.0 %
28-08-2023 442.29 - 4422900 4322.9 %
29-09-2023 442.95 - 4429500 4329.5 %
30-10-2023 437.7 - 4377000 4277.0 %
28-11-2023 448.49 - 4484900 4384.9 %
28-12-2023 470.18 - 4701800 4601.8 %
29-01-2024 457.21 - 4572100 4472.1 %
28-02-2024 447.72 - 4477200 4377.2 %
28-03-2024 452.16 - 4521600 4421.6 %
29-04-2024 453.77 - 4537700 4437.7 %
28-05-2024 466.76 - 4667600 4567.6 %
28-06-2024 481.94 - 4819400 4719.4 %
29-07-2024 523.42 - 5234200 5134.2 %
28-08-2024 529.73 - 5297300 5197.3 %
30-09-2024 548.94 - 5489400 5389.4 %
28-10-2024 497.31 - 4973100 4873.1 %
28-11-2024 485.95 - 4859500 4759.5 %
30-12-2024 473.44 - 4734400 4634.4 %
22-01-2025 472.86 - 4728600 4628.6 %

RETURNS CALCULATOR for ICICI Prudential FMCG Fund - Growth

Growth of 10000 In SIP (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Period :
Start :
End :

Growth of 10000 In LUMPSUM (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Start :

Rolling Returns

Rolling returns are the annualized returns of the scheme taken for a specified period (rolling returns period) on every day/week/month and taken till the last day of the duration. In this chart we are showing the annualized returns over the rolling returns period on every day from the start date and comparing it with the benchmark. Rolling returns is the best measure of a fund's performance. Trailing returns have a recency bias and point to point returns are specific to the period in consideration. Rolling returns, on the other hand, measures the fund's absolute and relative performance across all timescales, without bias.



Key Performance and Risk Statistics of ICICI Prudential FMCG Fund - Growth

Key Statistics Volatility Sharpe Ratio Alpha Beta Yield to Maturity Average Maturity
ICICI Prudential FMCG Fund - Growth 9.82 0.57 -1.09 0.8 - -
Equity: Sectoral-FMCG - - - - - -

PEER COMPARISION of ICICI Prudential FMCG Fund - Growth

Amount :
Start :
End :
Data as on - 22-01-2025
Scheme Name Launch
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
ICICI Prudential FMCG Fund - Growth 31-03-1999 0.87 11.79 13.2 13.14 11.54


Asset Allocation (%)

Allocation Percentage (%)

Market Cap Distribution

Small Cap




Large Cap


Mid Cap


