Nippon India Pharma Fund-Growth Plan-Growth Option

(Erstwhile Reliance Pharma Fund-Growth Plan-Growth Option)

Category: Equity: Sectoral-Pharma and Healthcare
Launch Date: 01-06-2004
Asset Class: Equity
Benchmark: BSE Healthcare TRI
Expense Ratio: 1.8% As on (30-12-2024)
Status: Open Ended Schemes
Minimum Investment: 5000.0
Minimum Topup: 1000.0
Total Assets: 8,914.89 Cr As on (31-12-2024)
Turn over: 12%
NAV as on 14-01-2025


2.3 (0.4589%)

CAGR Since Inception


BSE Healthcare TRI 15.29%

PERFORMANCE of Nippon India Pharma Fund-Growth Plan-Growth Option

Scheme Performance (%)

Data as on - 14-01-2025

Yearly Performance (%)

Fund Managers

Sailesh Raj Bhan

Investment Objective

The scheme seeks to generate consistent returns by investing in equity / equity related or fixed income securities of pharma and other associated companies.

NAV & Lumpsum details( Invested amount 1,00,000)

Show All Monthly Lumpsum Returns
NAV Date NAV Units Market
05-06-2004 10.0 10000.0 100000 0.0 %
05-07-2004 10.0507 - 100507 0.51 %
05-08-2004 10.261 - 102610 2.61 %
06-09-2004 10.482 - 104820 4.82 %
05-10-2004 11.2952 - 112952 12.95 %
05-11-2004 11.708 - 117080 17.08 %
06-12-2004 12.0782 - 120782 20.78 %
05-01-2005 13.2387 - 132387 32.39 %
07-02-2005 12.622 - 126220 26.22 %
07-03-2005 12.7048 - 127048 27.05 %
05-04-2005 12.4435 - 124435 24.44 %
05-05-2005 12.1526 - 121526 21.53 %
06-06-2005 13.4109 - 134109 34.11 %
05-07-2005 13.7727 - 137727 37.73 %
05-08-2005 14.7579 - 147579 47.58 %
05-09-2005 16.0882 - 160882 60.88 %
05-10-2005 16.1024 - 161024 61.02 %
07-11-2005 14.5729 - 145729 45.73 %
05-12-2005 16.5372 - 165372 65.37 %
05-01-2006 18.2657 - 182657 82.66 %
06-02-2006 19.2092 - 192092 92.09 %
06-03-2006 19.5486 - 195486 95.49 %
05-04-2006 20.741 - 207410 107.41 %
05-05-2006 21.026 - 210260 110.26 %
05-06-2006 16.7201 - 167201 67.2 %
05-07-2006 15.905 - 159050 59.05 %
07-08-2006 16.5969 - 165969 65.97 %
05-09-2006 19.4385 - 194385 94.38 %
05-10-2006 19.5464 - 195464 95.46 %
06-11-2006 20.4028 - 204028 104.03 %
05-12-2006 20.3349 - 203349 103.35 %
05-01-2007 20.6375 - 206375 106.38 %
05-02-2007 20.7986 - 207986 107.99 %
05-03-2007 18.6069 - 186069 86.07 %
05-04-2007 19.8239 - 198239 98.24 %
07-05-2007 21.6563 - 216563 116.56 %
05-06-2007 23.783 - 237830 137.83 %
05-07-2007 25.7895 - 257895 157.9 %
06-08-2007 25.7611 - 257611 157.61 %
05-09-2007 25.1445 - 251445 151.44 %
05-10-2007 25.51 - 255100 155.1 %
05-11-2007 26.0367 - 260367 160.37 %
05-12-2007 26.4822 - 264822 164.82 %
07-01-2008 30.5252 - 305252 205.25 %
05-02-2008 23.9558 - 239558 139.56 %
05-03-2008 22.8696 - 228696 128.7 %
07-04-2008 22.1685 - 221685 121.69 %
05-05-2008 24.7107 - 247107 147.11 %
05-06-2008 23.4556 - 234556 134.56 %
07-07-2008 22.3849 - 223849 123.85 %
05-08-2008 23.9688 - 239688 139.69 %
05-09-2008 24.5361 - 245361 145.36 %
06-10-2008 21.2392 - 212392 112.39 %
05-11-2008 18.7072 - 187072 87.07 %
05-12-2008 18.0122 - 180122 80.12 %
05-01-2009 20.2433 - 202433 102.43 %
05-02-2009 17.2956 - 172956 72.96 %
05-03-2009 16.8675 - 168675 68.67 %
06-04-2009 19.3366 - 193366 93.37 %
05-05-2009 21.0124 - 210124 110.12 %
05-06-2009 26.6667 - 266667 166.67 %
06-07-2009 25.4878 - 254878 154.88 %
05-08-2009 28.8544 - 288544 188.54 %
07-09-2009 32.696 - 326960 226.96 %
05-10-2009 35.0404 - 350404 250.4 %
05-11-2009 36.6259 - 366259 266.26 %
07-12-2009 42.1632 - 421632 321.63 %
05-01-2010 44.0599 - 440599 340.6 %
05-02-2010 42.243 - 422430 322.43 %
05-03-2010 45.0289 - 450289 350.29 %
05-04-2010 49.6414 - 496414 396.41 %
05-05-2010 49.3127 - 493127 393.13 %
07-06-2010 50.099 - 500990 400.99 %
05-07-2010 53.4108 - 534108 434.11 %
05-08-2010 52.2834 - 522834 422.83 %
06-09-2010 52.7247 - 527247 427.25 %
05-10-2010 55.2292 - 552292 452.29 %
08-11-2010 57.7002 - 577002 477.0 %
06-12-2010 56.6606 - 566606 466.61 %
05-01-2011 58.259 - 582590 482.59 %
07-02-2011 52.6527 - 526527 426.53 %
07-03-2011 50.4122 - 504122 404.12 %
05-04-2011 54.507 - 545070 445.07 %
05-05-2011 54.1684 - 541684 441.68 %
06-06-2011 57.0412 - 570412 470.41 %
05-07-2011 58.8758 - 588758 488.76 %
05-08-2011 56.8039 - 568039 468.04 %
05-09-2011 54.3496 - 543496 443.5 %
05-10-2011 53.5891 - 535891 435.89 %
08-11-2011 55.4115 - 554115 454.12 %
05-12-2011 52.6142 - 526142 426.14 %
05-01-2012 52.2976 - 522976 422.98 %
06-02-2012 55.2156 - 552156 452.16 %
05-03-2012 54.6842 - 546842 446.84 %
09-04-2012 56.5621 - 565621 465.62 %
07-05-2012 57.9505 - 579505 479.5 %
05-06-2012 55.72 - 557200 457.2 %
05-07-2012 59.3767 - 593767 493.77 %
06-08-2012 62.317 - 623170 523.17 %
05-09-2012 63.8166 - 638166 538.17 %
05-10-2012 64.1842 - 641842 541.84 %
05-11-2012 66.3935 - 663935 563.94 %
05-12-2012 68.3266 - 683266 583.27 %
07-01-2013 70.3789 - 703789 603.79 %
05-02-2013 66.2795 - 662795 562.8 %
05-03-2013 64.6077 - 646077 546.08 %
05-04-2013 66.582 - 665820 565.82 %
06-05-2013 69.7113 - 697113 597.11 %
05-06-2013 72.2763 - 722763 622.76 %
05-07-2013 71.6333 - 716333 616.33 %
05-08-2013 69.8124 - 698124 598.12 %
05-09-2013 71.8097 - 718097 618.1 %
07-10-2013 74.3845 - 743845 643.84 %
05-11-2013 74.8626 - 748626 648.63 %
05-12-2013 78.4295 - 784295 684.29 %
06-01-2014 85.2956 - 852956 752.96 %
05-02-2014 84.6244 - 846244 746.24 %
05-03-2014 89.1241 - 891241 791.24 %
07-04-2014 88.1984 - 881984 781.98 %
05-05-2014 89.8751 - 898751 798.75 %
05-06-2014 86.8796 - 868796 768.8 %
07-07-2014 101.2617 - 1012617 912.62 %
05-08-2014 100.3874 - 1003874 903.87 %
05-09-2014 114.7123 - 1147123 1047.12 %
07-10-2014 119.8127 - 1198127 1098.13 %
05-11-2014 121.322 - 1213220 1113.22 %
05-12-2014 125.8942 - 1258942 1158.94 %
05-01-2015 127.8677 - 1278677 1178.68 %
05-02-2015 127.3281 - 1273281 1173.28 %
05-03-2015 135.1535 - 1351535 1251.54 %
06-04-2015 145.2726 - 1452726 1352.73 %
05-05-2015 133.2872 - 1332872 1232.87 %
05-06-2015 130.3585 - 1303585 1203.59 %
06-07-2015 136.3767 - 1363767 1263.77 %
05-08-2015 143.7269 - 1437269 1337.27 %
07-09-2015 145.0879 - 1450879 1350.88 %
05-10-2015 155.4593 - 1554593 1454.59 %
05-11-2015 152.0664 - 1520664 1420.66 %
07-12-2015 146.394 - 1463940 1363.94 %
05-01-2016 147.2964 - 1472964 1372.96 %
05-02-2016 139.2004 - 1392004 1292.0 %
08-03-2016 137.2385 - 1372385 1272.38 %
05-04-2016 131.0907 - 1310907 1210.91 %
05-05-2016 133.9775 - 1339775 1239.78 %
06-06-2016 130.6216 - 1306216 1206.22 %
05-07-2016 136.7471 - 1367471 1267.47 %
05-08-2016 141.5404 - 1415404 1315.4 %
06-09-2016 144.7726 - 1447726 1347.73 %
05-10-2016 146.0387 - 1460387 1360.39 %
07-11-2016 141.7733 - 1417733 1317.73 %
05-12-2016 142.4222 - 1424222 1324.22 %
05-01-2017 134.9607 - 1349607 1249.61 %
06-02-2017 135.9727 - 1359727 1259.73 %
06-03-2017 135.9712 - 1359712 1259.71 %
05-04-2017 137.0645 - 1370645 1270.64 %
05-05-2017 128.5628 - 1285628 1185.63 %
05-06-2017 124.0732 - 1240732 1140.73 %
05-07-2017 128.6342 - 1286342 1186.34 %
07-08-2017 127.7805 - 1277805 1177.81 %
05-09-2017 125.0137 - 1250137 1150.14 %
05-10-2017 129.9932 - 1299932 1199.93 %
06-11-2017 139.3529 - 1393529 1293.53 %
05-12-2017 137.4045 - 1374045 1274.04 %
05-01-2018 144.2852 - 1442852 1342.85 %
05-02-2018 140.5573 - 1405573 1305.57 %
05-03-2018 139.4706 - 1394706 1294.71 %
05-04-2018 137.2973 - 1372973 1272.97 %
07-05-2018 141.2117 - 1412117 1312.12 %
05-06-2018 132.3875 - 1323875 1223.88 %
05-07-2018 144.6102 - 1446102 1346.1 %
06-08-2018 150.3849 - 1503849 1403.85 %
05-09-2018 160.9193 - 1609193 1509.19 %
05-10-2018 152.9655 - 1529655 1429.65 %
05-11-2018 152.8505 - 1528505 1428.51 %
05-12-2018 150.1777 - 1501777 1401.78 %
07-01-2019 148.1929 - 1481929 1381.93 %
05-02-2019 151.2591 - 1512591 1412.59 %
05-03-2019 150.0255 - 1500255 1400.25 %
05-04-2019 151.8774 - 1518774 1418.77 %
06-05-2019 150.7496 - 1507496 1407.5 %
06-06-2019 141.8577 - 1418577 1318.58 %
05-07-2019 140.1233 - 1401233 1301.23 %
05-08-2019 136.0541 - 1360541 1260.54 %
05-09-2019 142.4134 - 1424134 1324.13 %
07-10-2019 135.7793 - 1357793 1257.79 %
05-11-2019 148.2774 - 1482774 1382.77 %
05-12-2019 151.232 - 1512320 1412.32 %
06-01-2020 151.1853 - 1511853 1411.85 %
05-02-2020 157.837 - 1578370 1478.37 %
05-03-2020 161.6381 - 1616381 1516.38 %
07-04-2020 159.3585 - 1593585 1493.59 %
05-05-2020 178.2826 - 1782826 1682.83 %
05-06-2020 191.235 - 1912350 1812.35 %
06-07-2020 188.5081 - 1885081 1785.08 %
05-08-2020 212.7097 - 2127097 2027.1 %
07-09-2020 214.3429 - 2143429 2043.43 %
05-10-2020 229.8322 - 2298322 2198.32 %
05-11-2020 228.6461 - 2286461 2186.46 %
07-12-2020 248.1296 - 2481296 2381.3 %
05-01-2021 259.4602 - 2594602 2494.6 %
05-02-2021 258.1822 - 2581822 2481.82 %
05-03-2021 247.8656 - 2478656 2378.66 %
05-04-2021 254.9385 - 2549385 2449.38 %
05-05-2021 283.3027 - 2833027 2733.03 %
07-06-2021 294.387 - 2943870 2843.87 %
05-07-2021 310.104 - 3101040 3001.04 %
05-08-2021 313.7227 - 3137227 3037.23 %
06-09-2021 316.0665 - 3160665 3060.66 %
05-10-2021 314.9655 - 3149655 3049.65 %
08-11-2021 300.2678 - 3002678 2902.68 %
06-12-2021 293.9565 - 2939565 2839.57 %
05-01-2022 308.7542 - 3087542 2987.54 %
07-02-2022 286.0251 - 2860251 2760.25 %
07-03-2022 271.462 - 2714620 2614.62 %
05-04-2022 295.0654 - 2950654 2850.65 %
05-05-2022 277.305 - 2773050 2673.05 %
06-06-2022 264.1594 - 2641594 2541.59 %
05-07-2022 262.6597 - 2626597 2526.6 %
05-08-2022 278.1388 - 2781388 2681.39 %
05-09-2022 274.9621 - 2749621 2649.62 %
06-10-2022 287.3571 - 2873571 2773.57 %
07-11-2022 290.9564 - 2909564 2809.56 %
05-12-2022 290.8738 - 2908738 2808.74 %
05-01-2023 283.5376 - 2835376 2735.38 %
06-02-2023 273.086 - 2730860 2630.86 %
06-03-2023 269.186 - 2691860 2591.86 %
05-04-2023 272.899 - 2728990 2628.99 %
05-05-2023 283.0534 - 2830534 2730.53 %
05-06-2023 295.507 - 2955070 2855.07 %
05-07-2023 316.9211 - 3169211 3069.21 %
07-08-2023 350.0521 - 3500521 3400.52 %
05-09-2023 347.7234 - 3477234 3377.23 %
05-10-2023 346.4819 - 3464819 3364.82 %
06-11-2023 349.8864 - 3498864 3398.86 %
05-12-2023 377.9395 - 3779395 3679.4 %
05-01-2024 405.4299 - 4054299 3954.3 %
05-02-2024 422.5749 - 4225749 4125.75 %
05-03-2024 427.2157 - 4272157 4172.16 %
05-04-2024 431.7462 - 4317462 4217.46 %
06-05-2024 432.4439 - 4324439 4224.44 %
05-06-2024 440.135 - 4401350 4301.35 %
05-07-2024 457.3074 - 4573074 4473.07 %
05-08-2024 487.7023 - 4877023 4777.02 %
05-09-2024 521.9403 - 5219403 5119.4 %
07-10-2024 513.2295 - 5132295 5032.3 %
05-11-2024 512.2913 - 5122913 5022.91 %
05-12-2024 517.9598 - 5179598 5079.6 %
06-01-2025 525.3305 - 5253305 5153.31 %
14-01-2025 501.5534 - 5015534 4915.53 %

RETURNS CALCULATOR for Nippon India Pharma Fund-Growth Plan-Growth Option

Growth of 10000 In SIP (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Period :
Start :
End :

Growth of 10000 In LUMPSUM (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Start :

Rolling Returns

Rolling returns are the annualized returns of the scheme taken for a specified period (rolling returns period) on every day/week/month and taken till the last day of the duration. In this chart we are showing the annualized returns over the rolling returns period on every day from the start date and comparing it with the benchmark. Rolling returns is the best measure of a fund's performance. Trailing returns have a recency bias and point to point returns are specific to the period in consideration. Rolling returns, on the other hand, measures the fund's absolute and relative performance across all timescales, without bias.



Key Performance and Risk Statistics of Nippon India Pharma Fund-Growth Plan-Growth Option

Key Statistics Volatility Sharpe Ratio Alpha Beta Yield to Maturity Average Maturity
Nippon India Pharma Fund-Growth Plan-Growth Option 14.36 0.78 1.67 0.87 - -
Equity: Sectoral-Pharma and Healthcare - - - - - -

PEER COMPARISION of Nippon India Pharma Fund-Growth Plan-Growth Option

Amount :
Start :
End :
Data as on - 14-01-2025
Scheme Name Launch
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Nippon India Pharma Fund-Growth Plan-Growth Option 01-06-2004 23.16 33.18 17.99 26.53 14.79
HDFC Pharma and Healthcare Fund - Growth Option 05-10-2023 39.64 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
ICICI Prudential Pharma Healthcare and Diagnostics (P.H.D) Fund - Cumulative Option 25-07-2018 36.26 41.05 22.59 29.26 0.0
UTI Healthcare Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option 05-08-2005 32.85 37.28 18.91 26.31 12.85
LIC MF Healthcare Fund-Regular Plan-Growth 22-02-2019 32.46 31.47 15.37 21.96 0.0
DSP Healthcare Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 05-11-2018 32.05 35.28 20.25 29.24 0.0
SBI Healthcare Opportunities Fund - Regular Plan -Growth 14-07-1999 30.43 36.81 21.31 28.14 13.37
Tata India Pharma & Healthcare Fund-Regular Plan-Growth 28-12-2015 29.89 34.53 19.33 26.38 0.0
Kotak Healthcare Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option 11-12-2023 29.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Mirae Asset Healthcare Fund -Regular Growth 10-07-2018 28.6 32.82 16.32 27.26 0.0

PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS of Nippon India Pharma Fund-Growth Plan-Growth Option

Asset Allocation (%)

Allocation Percentage (%)

Market Cap Distribution

Small Cap




Large Cap


Mid Cap


