SBI Contra Fund - Regular Plan -Growth

Category: Equity: Contra
Launch Date: 14-07-1999
Asset Class: Equity
Benchmark: BSE 500 TRI
Expense Ratio: 1.51% As on (30-12-2024)
Status: Open Ended Schemes
Minimum Investment: 5000.0
Minimum Topup: 1000.0
Total Assets: 42,180.93 Cr As on (31-12-2024)
Turn over: 18%
NAV as on 13-01-2025


-6.89 (-1.9148%)

CAGR Since Inception


BSE 500 TRI 12.44%

PERFORMANCE of SBI Contra Fund - Regular Plan -Growth

Scheme Performance (%)

Data as on - 14-01-2025

Yearly Performance (%)

Fund Managers

Dinesh Balachandran, Pradeep Kesavan

Investment Objective

The scheme aims to invest in undervalued scrips, which are out of flavour but have the potential to show attractive growth in long-term.

NAV & Lumpsum details( Invested amount 1,00,000)

Show All Monthly Lumpsum Returns
NAV Date NAV Units Market
09-05-2005 16.52 6053.2688 100000 0.0 %
09-06-2005 17.61 - 106598 6.6 %
11-07-2005 18.63 - 112772 12.77 %
09-08-2005 20.28 - 122760 22.76 %
09-09-2005 22.34 - 135230 35.23 %
10-10-2005 23.02 - 139346 39.35 %
09-11-2005 22.55 - 136501 36.5 %
09-12-2005 24.9 - 150726 50.73 %
09-01-2006 26.01 - 157446 57.45 %
10-02-2006 27.67 - 167494 67.49 %
09-03-2006 29.81 - 180448 80.45 %
10-04-2006 34.43 - 208414 108.41 %
09-05-2006 36.48 - 220823 120.82 %
09-06-2006 27.52 - 166586 66.59 %
10-07-2006 29.4 - 177966 77.97 %
09-08-2006 29.72 - 179903 79.9 %
11-09-2006 31.71 - 191949 91.95 %
09-10-2006 34.53 - 209019 109.02 %
09-11-2006 36.15 - 218826 118.83 %
11-12-2006 36.3 - 219734 119.73 %
09-01-2007 37.39 - 226332 126.33 %
09-02-2007 39.47 - 238923 138.92 %
09-03-2007 34.51 - 208898 108.9 %
09-04-2007 36.36 - 220097 120.1 %
09-05-2007 38.73 - 234443 134.44 %
11-06-2007 40.33 - 244128 144.13 %
09-07-2007 43.45 - 263015 163.01 %
09-08-2007 43.44 - 262954 162.95 %
10-09-2007 45.18 - 273487 173.49 %
09-10-2007 50.71 - 306961 206.96 %
09-11-2007 54.71 - 331174 231.17 %
10-12-2007 59.32 - 359080 259.08 %
09-01-2008 62.08 - 375787 275.79 %
11-02-2008 48.19 - 291707 191.71 %
10-03-2008 47.4 - 286925 186.93 %
09-04-2008 45.79 - 277179 177.18 %
09-05-2008 48.06 - 290920 190.92 %
09-06-2008 43.25 - 261804 161.8 %
09-07-2008 40.31 - 244007 144.01 %
11-08-2008 43.94 - 265981 165.98 %
09-09-2008 42.51 - 257324 157.32 %
10-10-2008 30.75 - 186138 86.14 %
10-11-2008 30.65 - 185533 85.53 %
10-12-2008 28.06 - 169855 69.86 %
09-01-2009 28.98 - 175424 75.42 %
09-02-2009 28.66 - 173487 73.49 %
09-03-2009 25.64 - 155206 55.21 %
09-04-2009 32.48 - 196610 96.61 %
11-05-2009 35.1 - 212470 112.47 %
09-06-2009 46.1 - 279056 179.06 %
09-07-2009 42.73 - 258656 158.66 %
10-08-2009 46.36 - 280630 180.63 %
09-09-2009 50.34 - 304722 204.72 %
09-10-2009 51.95 - 314467 214.47 %
09-11-2009 51.81 - 313620 213.62 %
09-12-2009 54.72 - 331235 231.23 %
11-01-2010 57.05 - 345339 245.34 %
09-02-2010 52.56 - 318160 218.16 %
09-03-2010 54.35 - 328995 229.0 %
09-04-2010 57.03 - 345218 245.22 %
10-05-2010 55.28 - 334625 234.62 %
09-06-2010 53.66 - 324818 224.82 %
09-07-2010 57.44 - 347700 247.7 %
09-08-2010 58.13 - 351877 251.88 %
09-09-2010 61.05 - 369552 269.55 %
11-10-2010 64.15 - 388317 288.32 %
09-11-2010 65.58 - 396973 296.97 %
09-12-2010 57.72 - 349395 249.39 %
10-01-2011 57.54 - 348305 248.31 %
09-02-2011 50.75 - 307203 207.2 %
09-03-2011 52.67 - 318826 218.83 %
11-04-2011 56.01 - 339044 239.04 %
09-05-2011 54.57 - 330327 230.33 %
09-06-2011 54.61 - 330569 230.57 %
11-07-2011 55.09 - 333475 233.48 %
09-08-2011 51.18 - 309806 209.81 %
09-09-2011 49.99 - 302603 202.6 %
10-10-2011 48.25 - 292070 192.07 %
09-11-2011 49.97 - 302482 202.48 %
09-12-2011 46.42 - 280993 180.99 %
09-01-2012 44.56 - 269734 169.73 %
09-02-2012 51.03 - 308898 208.9 %
09-03-2012 51.45 - 311441 211.44 %
09-04-2012 51.32 - 310654 210.65 %
09-05-2012 49.64 - 300484 200.48 %
11-06-2012 48.99 - 296550 196.55 %
09-07-2012 51.24 - 310169 210.17 %
09-08-2012 51.0 - 308717 208.72 %
10-09-2012 51.93 - 314346 214.35 %
09-10-2012 55.17 - 333959 233.96 %
09-11-2012 55.22 - 334262 234.26 %
10-12-2012 58.25 - 352603 252.6 %
09-01-2013 59.99 - 363136 263.14 %
11-02-2013 59.12 - 357869 257.87 %
11-03-2013 59.3047 - 358987 258.99 %
09-04-2013 54.9658 - 332723 232.72 %
09-05-2013 58.4996 - 354114 254.11 %
10-06-2013 56.8284 - 343998 244.0 %
09-07-2013 54.77 - 331538 231.54 %
12-08-2013 50.9546 - 308442 208.44 %
10-09-2013 52.0705 - 315197 215.2 %
09-10-2013 53.5948 - 324424 224.42 %
11-11-2013 55.0351 - 333142 233.14 %
09-12-2013 57.7463 - 349554 249.55 %
09-01-2014 57.0365 - 345257 245.26 %
10-02-2014 55.6383 - 336794 236.79 %
10-03-2014 59.5723 - 360607 260.61 %
09-04-2014 62.7554 - 379875 279.88 %
09-05-2014 63.6705 - 385415 285.42 %
09-06-2014 71.8792 - 435104 335.1 %
09-07-2014 71.907 - 435272 335.27 %
11-08-2014 73.0696 - 442310 342.31 %
09-09-2014 79.7518 - 482759 382.76 %
09-10-2014 77.7915 - 470893 370.89 %
10-11-2014 81.8631 - 495539 395.54 %
09-12-2014 85.0898 - 515071 415.07 %
09-01-2015 86.3279 - 522566 422.57 %
09-02-2015 87.5182 - 529771 429.77 %
09-03-2015 91.4168 - 553370 453.37 %
09-04-2015 92.6912 - 561085 461.09 %
11-05-2015 85.6552 - 518494 418.49 %
09-06-2015 83.0514 - 502732 402.73 %
09-07-2015 86.5707 - 524036 424.04 %
10-08-2015 91.3325 - 552860 452.86 %
09-09-2015 83.52 - 505569 405.57 %
09-10-2015 86.4538 - 523328 423.33 %
09-11-2015 85.6978 - 518752 418.75 %
09-12-2015 83.0179 - 502530 402.53 %
11-01-2016 82.1119 - 497045 397.05 %
09-02-2016 78.3388 - 474206 374.21 %
09-03-2016 80.0694 - 484682 384.68 %
11-04-2016 82.4825 - 499289 399.29 %
09-05-2016 83.8379 - 507493 407.49 %
09-06-2016 88.3321 - 534698 434.7 %
11-07-2016 91.4131 - 553348 453.35 %
09-08-2016 94.247 - 570502 470.5 %
09-09-2016 97.5879 - 590726 490.73 %
10-10-2016 97.1918 - 588328 488.33 %
09-11-2016 94.914 - 574540 474.54 %
09-12-2016 90.6306 - 548611 448.61 %
09-01-2017 88.2761 - 534359 434.36 %
09-02-2017 94.1917 - 570168 470.17 %
09-03-2017 95.7447 - 579568 479.57 %
10-04-2017 100.8192 - 610286 510.29 %
09-05-2017 103.657 - 627464 527.46 %
09-06-2017 106.0207 - 641772 541.77 %
10-07-2017 108.2409 - 655211 555.21 %
09-08-2017 107.4878 - 650653 550.65 %
11-09-2017 109.467 - 662633 562.63 %
09-10-2017 110.1525 - 666783 566.78 %
09-11-2017 116.7519 - 706731 606.73 %
11-12-2017 119.3662 - 722556 622.56 %
09-01-2018 124.5635 - 754016 654.02 %
09-02-2018 120.105 - 727028 627.03 %
09-03-2018 113.8606 - 689229 589.23 %
09-04-2018 117.5045 - 711286 611.29 %
09-05-2018 115.8641 - 701357 601.36 %
11-06-2018 113.1119 - 684697 584.7 %
09-07-2018 109.3827 - 662123 562.12 %
09-08-2018 112.5946 - 681565 581.56 %
10-09-2018 112.1137 - 678654 578.65 %
09-10-2018 98.3292 - 595213 495.21 %
09-11-2018 104.6391 - 633409 533.41 %
10-12-2018 98.499 - 596241 496.24 %
09-01-2019 104.9372 - 635213 535.21 %
11-02-2019 100.9438 - 611040 511.04 %
11-03-2019 107.6355 - 651547 551.55 %
09-04-2019 110.6638 - 669878 569.88 %
09-05-2019 106.3519 - 643777 543.78 %
10-06-2019 109.0423 - 660062 560.06 %
09-07-2019 105.3718 - 637844 537.84 %
09-08-2019 98.2344 - 594639 494.64 %
09-09-2019 97.9069 - 592657 492.66 %
09-10-2019 98.1134 - 593907 493.91 %
11-11-2019 102.5233 - 620601 520.6 %
09-12-2019 102.4649 - 620248 520.25 %
09-01-2020 104.726 - 633935 533.93 %
10-02-2020 105.9248 - 641191 541.19 %
09-03-2020 92.1066 - 557546 457.55 %
09-04-2020 80.3103 - 486140 386.14 %
11-05-2020 80.1422 - 485122 385.12 %
09-06-2020 88.4795 - 535590 435.59 %
09-07-2020 95.5497 - 578388 478.39 %
10-08-2020 102.3372 - 619475 519.48 %
09-09-2020 102.7582 - 622023 522.02 %
09-10-2020 107.6545 - 651662 551.66 %
09-11-2020 112.7821 - 682700 582.7 %
09-12-2020 130.1418 - 787783 687.78 %
11-01-2021 141.3385 - 855560 755.56 %
09-02-2021 150.7593 - 912587 812.59 %
09-03-2021 155.8076 - 943145 843.14 %
09-04-2021 155.3237 - 940216 840.22 %
10-05-2021 159.7882 - 967241 867.24 %
09-06-2021 171.9821 - 1041054 941.05 %
09-07-2021 176.1894 - 1066522 966.52 %
09-08-2021 182.3316 - 1103702 1003.7 %
09-09-2021 189.8639 - 1149297 1049.3 %
11-10-2021 200.6775 - 1214755 1114.76 %
09-11-2021 207.3035 - 1254864 1154.86 %
09-12-2021 203.8447 - 1233927 1133.93 %
10-01-2022 208.5914 - 1262660 1162.66 %
09-02-2022 203.6295 - 1232624 1132.62 %
09-03-2022 190.4779 - 1153014 1053.01 %
11-04-2022 209.5718 - 1268594 1168.59 %
09-05-2022 197.6008 - 1196131 1096.13 %
09-06-2022 197.3528 - 1194630 1094.63 %
11-07-2022 201.1097 - 1217371 1117.37 %
10-08-2022 213.4608 - 1292136 1192.14 %
09-09-2022 223.7998 - 1354720 1254.72 %
10-10-2022 219.1377 - 1326499 1226.5 %
09-11-2022 227.8405 - 1379180 1279.18 %
09-12-2022 233.0005 - 1410415 1310.41 %
09-01-2023 229.6042 - 1389856 1289.86 %
09-02-2023 226.3727 - 1370295 1270.29 %
09-03-2023 229.6032 - 1389850 1289.85 %
10-04-2023 229.9527 - 1391966 1291.97 %
09-05-2023 238.1833 - 1441788 1341.79 %
09-06-2023 247.1784 - 1496237 1396.24 %
10-07-2023 259.2644 - 1569397 1469.4 %
09-08-2023 270.5876 - 1637939 1537.94 %
11-09-2023 282.6788 - 1711131 1611.13 %
09-10-2023 275.7525 - 1669204 1569.2 %
09-11-2023 279.6194 - 1692611 1592.61 %
11-12-2023 304.3817 - 1842504 1742.5 %
09-01-2024 318.5507 - 1928273 1828.27 %
09-02-2024 332.3621 - 2011877 1911.88 %
11-03-2024 337.9443 - 2045668 1945.67 %
09-04-2024 347.5725 - 2103950 2003.95 %
09-05-2024 342.3121 - 2072107 1972.11 %
10-06-2024 363.5316 - 2200554 2100.55 %
09-07-2024 384.3802 - 2326757 2226.76 %
09-08-2024 386.8551 - 2341738 2241.74 %
09-09-2024 393.3533 - 2381073 2281.07 %
09-10-2024 393.5075 - 2382007 2282.01 %
11-11-2024 380.905 - 2305720 2205.72 %
09-12-2024 388.6085 - 2352352 2252.35 %
09-01-2025 370.762 - 2244322 2144.32 %
14-01-2025 363.8043 - 2202205 2102.2 %

RETURNS CALCULATOR for SBI Contra Fund - Regular Plan -Growth

Growth of 10000 In SIP (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Period :
Start :
End :

Growth of 10000 In LUMPSUM (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Start :

Rolling Returns

Rolling returns are the annualized returns of the scheme taken for a specified period (rolling returns period) on every day/week/month and taken till the last day of the duration. In this chart we are showing the annualized returns over the rolling returns period on every day from the start date and comparing it with the benchmark. Rolling returns is the best measure of a fund's performance. Trailing returns have a recency bias and point to point returns are specific to the period in consideration. Rolling returns, on the other hand, measures the fund's absolute and relative performance across all timescales, without bias.



Key Performance and Risk Statistics of SBI Contra Fund - Regular Plan -Growth

Key Statistics Volatility Sharpe Ratio Alpha Beta Yield to Maturity Average Maturity
SBI Contra Fund - Regular Plan -Growth 11.58 1.15 7.27 0.89 - -
Equity: Contra - - - - - -

PEER COMPARISION of SBI Contra Fund - Regular Plan -Growth

Amount :
Start :
End :
Data as on - 14-01-2025
Scheme Name Launch
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
SBI Contra Fund - Regular Plan -Growth 14-07-1999 11.52 25.47 19.36 27.71 15.29
Invesco India Contra Fund - Growth 11-04-2007 20.79 26.47 16.59 20.43 15.63
Kotak India EQ Contra Fund - Growth 27-07-2005 13.91 25.12 17.06 19.85 14.86

PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS of SBI Contra Fund - Regular Plan -Growth

Asset Allocation (%)

Allocation Percentage (%)

Market Cap Distribution

Small Cap




Large Cap


Mid Cap


